Chapter 3

142 11 1

Take it slow...


Irene's POV

I woke up by the chirpling of birds ... "another tiring day .." , I quickly get up from my bed and proceed to the bathroom to fix my self ...^^


"Unni, im running out of skin care products.." Arin said while sipping the noodle soup..

"Go buy then.."

"But I don't have budget for it, you know that I spend my allowance wisely.." what now?

"Don't tell me i'll be the one to-"

"Can you buy it for me???" Tsk. See?


"Pleeaaaasee~"  she does her aegyo again..ugh! There she goes again.. I just can't! Her cuteness is literally my weakness at all >.<

"Aish.. k Fine!" I give up.. Since she was my little sister, i'll do my part as her unni, to make her happy^^~


"Good morning Seul!^^" I greet Seulgi as I saw her chitchatting with my classmate..

"Oh! Good morning too Rene" oh, I guess I had my new nickname then.

"Umm, did you saw Wendy?" She asked.. Well I had just arrived here so...

"Nope. But I think she is with Joy .." I said.

"Hmm.. as usual..anyways, I heard that our teacher is absent today, Wanna hang out with us later?"

"Sure!^^" I said in full agreement..

"Good morning to all~" Wendy sang..Wow she had a beautiful voice ..

Everyone look at her in awe..

"Wut?" She asked..She's really adorkable XD

"Hey hey!! Irene I brought something for you!^^" Wendy said.. Wow  she's really kind.. She handed me a pink strap that has a printed name 'Red Velvet' on it.. What does that mean?

"Umm .. What's this for?" I asked. She smiled.

"Well the name 'Red Velvet' was our group name ..It has a meaningful meaning ... We just want to tell that, that we would be glad if you join in our group^^ But don't worry , if you don't want it's ok we are not forcing you , we just hope so that maybe..hehe" She said as she scratch the crook of her neck... Well...

"I'll be glad to! Thank you for your offer but I still didn't know you guys well...sorry but it's a no for now..." I said in a sad tone.. I pity them..:(

"It's ok, and we understand .. But still friends right?" Wendy reassured..

"Of course!^^~" I said..

"But can just keep this pink strap atleast?" I said..

"Sure!^^ you can keep it.."

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