13 Hara's Revenge (1).

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Notice: ___ is where you insert your name


The fan meet was crazy yesterday. The boys had fun. I'm glad. Everything was great. I was surprise Hanbin called me. I didn't think he would ever call. He gave me his line and now I also got his unsaved number. I look at his contact number and decided to save it as


I laughed it off.

iKON doesn't have any schedule today. I'm so glad I hope they rest well. All of the members are still sleeping in, except Donghyuk. He went to visit Haru upstairs. I can't believe i'm living so close to Tablo~

I made a trip to the YG building to get some stuff Hanbin left there last week.

When I almost reach the building, I bumped into someone

And it wasn't the best person to see.

It was Hara.

Hara: Omo Omo ___?? Wow we keep on seeing each other this must means something.

You: This is the second time Hara..

Hara: Don't be so cold ___~ anyways who is that friend binchan of yours? And why are you in front of YG Building? This seriously reminds me of how crazy you were with kpop back when we were a kid.

You: Yea, good memories. Ha - ha - ha. I'm just passing by.. Why are you here?

Hara: I'm going to see YG today~ My university is giving me an opportunity to interview the monster rookie iKON~ isn't it amazing? Since I am going to become a reporter you know~ with my looks and all.

What. WHAT. WHAT???? HARA? IKON? INTERVIEWING? What kind of interview is she doing??

You: Omo ! How ! Great~ well good luck! I gotta go ~

Hara: Omo wait~ it's such a shame since you're probably a die hard fan of iKON aw but you can't even see them. I'll let you go inside the building with me, only this time~ I actually got permission~~ jealous?

BOY I been in this building multiple times now. I'm THEIR manager. gosh she's so annoying.

But I can't tell her that, who knows what kind of madness she will pull?

"Oh Gosh" - I opened my eyes as wide as it could ever get

Hara: What, what's wrong?

Hanbin: ___, who's this?


Hara: oh my~ isn't this iKON's leader B.I? What ___? You know him personally?

DAMN HANBIN WHY YOU GOTTA SHOW UP RIGHT NOW?? And I told him I'll buy him and the members food but why is he holding snacks and drinks?? Wait did he stole that from my snack bag?? Ughhhhh.

You: Oh no haha he's mistaking me for somebody else... Ughh I gotta go.

Then I ran off

Hanbin: Ya YA ___!

Ok I don't know what to do. How can Hanbin be so dumb?? Can't he realize that if Hara finds out I'm their manager who knows what will happen to me? Omg there is a reason why I didn't get in contact with her for YEARS. She's a snake, a full blown snake.

BECOMING IKON'S MANAGER ♡ Where stories live. Discover now