Chapter 14- This Cat Has Some Sassy Pants

Start from the beginning

"U-Uh yeah." I mumbled and heard her giggling. "Well Jasper asked if I could come with him to this beach house his parents owns in Maine. It's only for like 5 nights." I begged mom. I twirled the bracelet on my wrist around.

She was silent for a bit just looking at me with her watchful eyes. "Who's going with?" A small smile formed on my face. I think I have a chance.

"Bethany, Reece, Cameron and of course Jasper. But he said he's bringing some friends." I gave her a hopeful grin. I really really wanted to go. Honestly it would be so fun. Just hanging with my amazing friends in a beach house in Maine.

"Did Becca agree with this?" Moms eyes stayed tight on me and I nodded quickly. I gripped the remote tighter in my hand.

"Yes she did. And if anything goes wrong, which I doubt it, we have Reece and Cam." I replied and wiggled my body further back into the couch. God this couch was so comfortable. I sighed when I got even more comfortable.

This couch should be named comfortable. Or a comfortable couch. But it is. But would the couch be named Comfortable or would it be a brand. Isn't it the same thing? I stopped thinking about the couch see as how I was confusing myself.

There was silence for a few long seconds and I sat there on edge. To be honest I had no Idea of what her reply would be. "Okay." The words barely got out before I started squealing and hugged her tightly and almost knocked her tea out of her hand. "But we need to discuss this with your father." She pointed her finger at me and laughed. I nodded my head and fist pumped the air beaming.

My dad was completely fine with the idea of me going. He knew that Reece and Cam was going to be there so he was good.

* * * *

I was walking through the mall just gazing through the windows of the stores. Today the mall was a bit full, so it was normal for me to bump into some people. And I may or may have not accidentally hit some guy in his right eye. It actually wasn't my fault. Really. The guy had it coming, he tried to trip me. I was sure of it.

I was looking through a window at a really cute jacket when someone bumped into me. The person was probably really strong since I was fell on my butt.

"Oh my goodness, my butt is in serious pain right now! Holy gooses, someone call the police!" I shrieked out and totally forgot that I was in public. My jaw dropped as I felt my cheeks redden when I saw everyone staring at me with amusement. Some probably thought I was a patient from a mental institution.

"Sorry," A voice told me and helped me up. I wished that the floor would open up like a baby getting food and swallow me whole like a snake. When I looked up I was extremely surprised to see who it was.

"Blade?" His name was rushed out and I attacked him into a hug. I buried my face into his shirt hoping people would move on. Oh gosh, I hope no one I knew saw that. He seemed very startled but hugged me back. 

He was a bit tense. But I didn't fret over it. I couldn't help but think about Mr Grumpy's hugs. I mean honestly he gave the best hugs despite his cold self. I pulled back with a smile plastered on my face.

"Little one?" The surprise was clear in his voice. I looked at him, he looked way different than the last time. Like really different. He didn't have his tattoos on his head. As a matter of fact he had hair! Hair! The once bald guy with tattoos had short blonde curls.

"U-Um where are your tattoos?" I was really confused by this and stared curiously at his head. I then stood on my toes and poked his head. He gave me a weird stare, like he couldn't believe that I had done that. 

Mr Grumpy - DISCONTINUED AND BEING RE-WRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now