four; the big city awaits

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fox mulder is the new love of my life okay he's just so.. ARGH.



[ t h i r d ]


She knew she'd said that she didn't mind Lucas being her partner, but truth be told, Maya did mind. Even Riley, who she had spoken to after history class, said that she didn't mind Lucas and Maya being partners, because Riley and Friar had been over for a while. She was happy to get Farkle, anyways, who had been her best friend while Maya was away from Greenwich.

Shawn jumped from his position on the couch, the newspaper he was reading falling into the floor. Maya didn't bother apologizing, instead pursing her lips, crossing her arms, and slamming her back angrily against the closed door. Even though he'd been in a relationship with Katy since Maya was fourteen, he still wasn't entirely used to girl problems.

He knew he had to be careful with how he acted around an angry Maya, so he raised from the couch slowly, plastering on a nervous smile. The eighteen year old blonde didn't move, instead letting out a scoff and rolling her eyes—she knew how awkward Shawn was when it came to her problems, but she was fairly certain it was because he always thought it was going to be something about period cramps.

"Hey, kiddo," he said, approaching her apathetically. "How are you?"

"Mad," she spat.

"Why? What happened?"

"Your dumb best friend's assignment, that's what happened!"

"Oh," Shawn replied dryly, releasing a sigh. "That. Yeah, he called Katy about that. I still can't believe she's letting you do it."

Maya quirked an eyebrow. "Why should you care? You're not the one that has to work with Ranger Rick."

"I don't want you alone with some boy for two weeks!" Shawn explained, sighing again.

Smirking, Maya stepped forward slowly. Then, "Aww, do you love me, Shawnie?"

"All men are just pigs, okay?" he countered.

She smirked even more, placing a hand on Shawn's shoulder. "Even you?"

"Not me," he replied defensively, lips curling into a frown. "I am fantastic, Maya."

"Yeah right," a different voice piped in. Maya watched as her mother emerged from the hallway, wearing her blue waitress dress and rolling her eyes at Shawn.

The boy-in-a-man's-body frowned, crossing his arms. "Come on, Katy. I thought you loved me!"

"Meh," Maya's mother teased, shrugging her shoulders.

"You know you love me," Shawn said whilst wiggling his eyebrows. "Why don't I just kiss you to prove it?"

Feeling very awkward in the situation, Maya cleared her throat, gaining the adults's attention. They both turned to look at her, Katy sending her a nervous smile, probably knowing that her daughter was going to freak out about Katy allowing Maya to go on the trip with Lucas. But Maya didn't freak out, she only turned her heel, placed her hands on her hips, and trudged away, into her bedroom.

∆ ∇ ∆

Lucas sighed as he continued packing his half-full suitcase, occasionally stopping to take a sip of his mango smoothie that he'd picked up on the way home from school. He was stuffing whatever clothes he could find—which mostly consisted of blue shirts, of course—into his suitcase while listening to the country music that played from the stereo set up on the table next to his bed.

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