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Eleanor's brother ended up loosing the case against us. He had to pay us £3,000 for "pain and suffering"; he was also sentenced to 16 months in prison. And of course being sent to jail caused him to never get a job as a doctor again.

Eleanor still hasn't forgiven me for what I did to her brother, even though what he did to me was far worse; she never really understood to technicalities of certain things.

Even though she hasn't made her peace with me she still sends me Christmas cards every year saying how the kids miss us and how she'd hope she can make peace with me one day.

My hair eventually grew back to it's original length after many years. What sucks now is that some of it's gray but hey, it's hair, I shouldn't complain.

Ringo started making music again after I was 100% healed. He goes on tour every now and then with his All Star Band. When Zak and Jason got old enough Ringo let them take turns playing the drums on tour; it was fun traveling the world again.

But now we're home all alone. The kids moved out years ago and now are living their own lives.

Zak is as stubborn as me; he started dating Violet 14 years ago, has 2 kids with her but is refusing to get married, but it's okay, I know he'll come around.

Jason has been married to Stella McCartney for a few years now; he has a son and another kid on the way. Since he settled down he stopped touring with Ringo; same went for Zak.

That just leaves Lee. She of course has my stubbornness but thankfully not as bad. She's been dating Sean Lennon for about 6 years and she says that she'd be open to getting married and having kids, just not now, which I am 100% fine with.

I've always been pleased with whatever desicions my kids have made. Even when I go, I'll be smiling from wherever I am because I know, they'll be trying their absolute hardest to do what I did best, and that is acting naturally.

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