Another One

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YEAR: 1969

"I'm home," Ringo mumbled as he walked through the door.
"Everythin alright?" I asked as I played with Zak in the living room.
"Yeah yeah," he lied.
"Is everyone still fightin?"
"Mhmm," he continued mumbling as he got a beer out of the fridge. "Want one?"
"No I'm fine,"
"I'm just...I'm so done with all of the fighting, y'know?"
"I know...come on, sit," I said as I pat the couch. He gave me a smile and took a seat next to me.
"I love him so much," Ringo smiled at Zak.
"I think I want another one..." I whispered.
"Another kid?"
"Yeah," I chuckled.
"You, Lucy Campbell, want another kid?"
"Yeah," I smiled. "I don't know...I just love bein with Zak and just...I don't know...I'm sorry it was a stupid idea," I sighed as I stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"No it's not," he said as he followed me. "I'd love another kid," he smiled.
"Yeah," he gave me a hug.
"I love ye so much," I cheered into his chest.
"I love ye too."

So we started trying to have another kid, but unfortunately, unlike the first time, we had no luck. We tried for months on end, but all the tests came up negative. One afternoon, while I was home taking care of Zak, Ringo came in; he must've left work early.

"Hey, what are ye doin home so early?"
"The Beatles are breakin up," he said as he stormed into the apartment.
"Dad look at this!" Zak tried saying as he ran towards Ringo with a drawing in his hand.
"Very nice, now go in the living room for a few minutes okay?"
"Okay!" he ran off and took a seat on the floor in front of the telly. Ringo sighed and continued speaking.
"Give me a reason why not! We're always fighting, Johns stupid ass wife thinks she can control everything! I've just reached my limit! I'm so fuckin-"
"I'm pregnant," I cut him off.
"What..." his voice finally lowered.
"You heard me."
"A-Are ye sure?"
"I took the test three times, they were all positive." His eyes began watering. He walked towards me and gave me a tight hug.
"I love ye so much," he cried.
"I love ye too," I began crying as well.
"Mum, why ye cryin?"
"I'm cryin cause I'm happy," I smiled.
"How would ye feel about gettin a baby brother or sister?"
"I dunno..."
"Well yer gonna get one,"
"Why!" he cried.
"I'm sorry's too late now. The baby's already growin in my tummy,"
"Oh..." he pouted.
"I'm sorry baby," I said as I hugged him.
"Its okay..."
"We should celebrate," Ringo said as he picked Zak up. "Let's go out to dinner. Where do ye wanna go Zak?"
"I dunno," he continued pouting.
"I'm gonna get changed," I smiled.

About an hour later we headed to a rather nice restaurant to celebrate. Once we arrived, someone from the media found us, causing the apple scruffs to loose their minds. They began hounding Ringo for autographs and asking to see Zak. He rolled his eyes at the silly girls as we made our way to a private table in the restaurant.

"So...the bands breakin up," I mumbled.
"Yeah...but ye know what? That's alright,"
"How's that alright?" I asked.
"I have money, a wonderful son, a beautiful 'wife', and a baby on the way. I have the perfect life. I don't need the other three. As long as I have you guys I'll be alright," he beamed.
"I love ye Richie,"
"I love ye too,"
"I love ye too!" Zak joined in.
"And I love you," he smiled at Zak. "Wow...we're gonna have two kids..."
"We are," I mumbled.
"We should probably move," he shrugged.
"Why? We're not botherin anyone," I chuckled.
"No," he laughed, "to a larger house,"
"Oh yeah...that makes more sense," I sighed and put my head in my hands. "We're gonna have two kids," I groaned.
"Hi, my name is Eleanor and I'll be...Lucy!" I looked up from the table and froze.
"Ellie...Hi...It's been-"
"Three years," she said in shock. "How've ye been?" I asked.
"Fine I suppose. You?"
"Great actually,"
"That's good to hear,"
"We should catch up sometime," I suggested.
"I'd like that," she sighed and continued. "So are ye guys ready to order?"

A few weeks later we met at a coffee shop to talk; I was more nervous than I should have been.

"Wow," Eleanor gasped as I walked in, "you've put on a few pounds," she chuckled as she hugged me. I gave her a small smirk and sat down.
"Well bein pregnant does that to ye," I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that?"
" what's new?"
"Not much...Oh! I have a boyfriend!" she cheered.
"Oh really?" I smiled.
"Yeah, yer friend Michelle set me up with him,"
"That's nice of her. What's his name?"
"Mike McGear,"
"Isn't that Paul's brother?" I chuckled.
"Yeah," she blushed.
"Well good for you. In my opinion any guy is a step up from John," I rolled my eyes.
"So, what's new with you, Mrs. Starr?" she teased.
"Oi um...I'm not married,"
"B-But all the papers are sayin ye are," she looked confused.
"We're not. We are engaged though,"
"Why are ye lyin to the papers?" she chuckled.
"Well a kid out of wedlock would look rather bad now wouldn't it?" I smiled.
"Guess it would," she sighed. "So how's your son?"
"He's good...adores Ringo," I pursed my lips. "We're movin," I added.
"Really? Where?"
"Don't know yet, we just started lookin,"
"Why are ye movin all of a sudden?" she chuckled.
"Well we need a bigger place to live,"
"Why?" she twisted her face. I let out a sigh and smiled.
"All the pieces are there Ellie...try puttin them together,"
"What?" she gave me a funny look for a few minutes before her eyes widened. "Yer havin another baby!"
"Sorry...oh my god! Good for you!" She leaned back in her chair. "Who is this and what have ye done with my Lucy?"
"Oh shut up," I grinned.
"I'm serious! 5 years ago ye said that ye were never gonna fall in love! Ye said ye were never havin kids! Look at ye now! Almost married with two kids," she gave me a cheeky smile. "I told ye, ye need to stop bein scared of fallin in love." She chuckled and leaned back in her chair. Then we saw Michelle come running in.
"Michelle!" I chuckled. "Everythin alright?"
"Ye need to come with me,"
"I don't under-"

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