Yeah Yeah, Fuck Me

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YEAR: 1975

As soon as I got home I started composing my court case against Eleanor's brother. Ringo hired the best layer in the city to help us out so at this point I knew, no matter what, we were going to win the case.

"Do we have everythin?" I asked Ringo.
"Yeah," he grabbed the manilla folder with all of our papers.
"Is yer mother gonna be here-" I was interrupted by the doorbell. "Hi Mrs. Starkey,"
"I told ye, it's mum," she smiled as she gave me a hug. "I'm so glad yer feelin better,"
"Oh, I made ye this." She handed me a knitted hat. "It's so yer head doesn't get cold," she smiled. "It's also purple, yer favorite color,"
"Thank ye," I gave her a tight hug. "Alright we'll be back soon," I mumbled as I put my new hat on. "Bye guys," I waved to the kids.
"Bye mum!"


"Hi, I'd like to speak with Dr. Rigby if I may,"
"Oh my god yer okay!" Maggie cheered.
"I am. May I speak to him?"
"Hold on," she dialed his office number in the phone. "Hi, I have Lucy Starkey here, she'd like to have a word with ye...m'kay...alright, I'll tell her," she hung up. "He'll be out in a few minutes. Please, take a seat,"
"Thanks Mag,"
"No problem," she smiled.

I anxiously took a seat with everyone else in the waiting room. A few girls and a couple of guys walked up to Ringo and asked him to sign a few things; he was more than happy to oblige. After half an hour I started to get angry.

Where is that fuck trumpet, I angirly thought to myself.

"Lucy," he motioned for me to come back to his office. "So," he showed us inside and took a seat at his desk, "what can I do for ye today? I see ye got treatment. Waste of money in my op-"
"Cut the bullshit Rigby,"
"Excuse me,"
"My cancer was never terminal was it?"
"It is!"
"Bull. I went to America for a few months and met up with a doctor. She checked me and told me that I only had cancer in my breast and it wasn't terminal at all. In fact I had it removed and I'm cancer free," I gave him a smug look.
"W-Well ye can never trust those lady doctors,"
"Oh now you've done it," Ringo warned. I kept my cool and smiled at the doctor. I took the manilla folder out of my purse and tossed it onto his desk.
"See ye in three days,"
"What's this?"
"Yer gettin sued deary,"
"What! Why!"
"Excuse me!" I sat up in my chair. "Did ye seriously just ask me why I'm suing ye? Are ye fuckin kidding me! Ye put me and my family through hell! Ye had my sons thinkin they were gonna loose their mother! Ye made my husband fall into a depression thinkin he was gonna loose me! And ye had me thinkin that I was gonna die! Fuck you! Why would ye even do somethin like this in the first place?"
"Ye hurt my little sister," he raised a brow. "Ye called her a slut who's gonna die alone. Ye scared the only man she's ever loved away. For fucks sake ye forgot her kids names! At this point they're the only things she loves, even if they belong to that fucker she calls a husband. Ye hurt her,"
"So ye had to hurt me in the worst fuckin way possible! Oh my god! Even if I did hurt her in the past that is no reason to tell me I'm gonna die!" I cried. "Go excuse yourself to a carnal impossibility," I spat as I walked out.


"Lucy!" Ellie was banging on my front door. "Open up ye bitch!"
"What?" Eleanor's eyes wandered down to my chest.
"Holy shit, what happened to yer tits?" she teased.
"Ellie!" I gasped.
"What?" she grumbled.
"I had cancer!"
"What..." All of her anger seemed to disappear. She stepped inside and gave me a tight hug. "I'm sorry I teased ye," a few of her tears fell onto my shirt. "Are ye okay?" she rubbed my back.
"Yeah, yeah. Only lost my hair and my chest," I joked, "but yeah...I'm fine,"
"Good...I'm glad," she dried her tears and cleared her throat.
"Why were ye callin me a bitch?"
"Oh," she pursed her lips, "cause yer suing my brother,"
"Cause he told me I had terminal cancer and that I was gonna die when in reality I just needed a simple surgery to get rid of it," I gritted my teeth.
"Oh my god," she gasped. "That ass hole! If ye told me I would've thought ye were gonna die! Ugh!" she punched the corridor wall.
"Sure just put a hole in my house, that's cool,"
"Sorry Luc," she sighed. "Ugh! I'm gonna kill him!"
"Ellie, calm down. I'm suing him, he's gonna loose his license to be a doctor, he'll have to give us a bunch of money, and possibly go to jail,"
"What!" I had taken me a few minutes to register what I had said. "Yer sendin my brother to jail!"
"I don't know yet Ellie but i hope he goes. I want him to fucking rot!"
"Fuck you!"
"Yeah yeah, fuck me."

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