Chapter 20 - Rising Action

Start from the beginning

Even Mary debated going up to him to ask how it felt like to be next to the notorious White Lightning.

I wanted to be near him for a separate reason. I feared that the crash might've given him powers.

Now, I know that Dylan had also been covered in some of the liquid, but not as much. The liquid also definitely got mixed in with Aden's circulatory system, seeing as it seeped into his open wounds.

Maybe I was trying too hard to be like Daniel, but I felt the need to take him in if he did end up having powers. I wanted to be able to mentor him like someone had done for me.

"Olly, did you even hear a word I said?" Mary asked from across the table.

I smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Definitely."

She groaned loudly, capturing the attention of the closest tables. "Why can't you idiot boys listen to me just one time?"

"I listen to you," Elise offered.

"Yes, yes, I know you do, but you're kind of required by being my best friend and all."

Elise frowned. "We're friends?"

Mary laughed genuinely in a way that only her friends could get her to do. "No, we hate each other's guts, Elise. What do you expect?"

"Wow," Ian exclaimed, "Mary using sarcasm? Call the super brigade because it seems that the apocalypse is here."

Mary glared at him, per usual, and predictably stuffing another piece of salad into her mouth. "Remember that I hold the power, dear brother. One day I will crush you." She faked a menacing tone.

Ian laughed along with the rest of the table. "Yes, the day that happens will be the day you stop fangirling over every super you meet."

Yes, a day where Mary didn't fawn over the hotness of one super or another, including me, would be an amazing achievement.




After school I skipped on the offer to go to Ian's house, something I'd been doing a lot lately. The new responsibilities of being the only hero in town left me absolutely no free time.

I did, however, find Aden among a group of friends hanging out by the Freshmen Tree while they waited for their respective rides.

"Hey, dude." I greeted.

These freshmen were obviously not used to the most popular junior guy greeting them like equals and were thunderstruck. One of them even started shaking in the legs.

"Umm . . . hi, Oliver?" Aden greeted questioningly.

I smiled, showing off my movie-star white teeth. "I was just wondering how you were doing after the incident. I hope getting back to school has been okay?"

He nodded still a bit shocked. "Yeah, everything's been fine."

"Can I talk to you alone for a bit?" I asked.

He nodded, walking a bit away from the Freshmen Tree.

"So, what do you want to ask?" he questioned.

I sighed, trying to find the most inconspicuous way possible to ask what was on my mind without actually saying it. "You know that if anything strange happens you can call me, right? If you experience anything out of the normal from now on, I'm here okay?"

He nodded again, obviously a bit confused. "Okay . . ."

I grinned, glad that I'd gotten my message across as quickly as possible. "Great, I'll see you around, Aden."

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