The Middle: That Is Not My Job

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"Mr. Bieber, I look forward to working with you again someday." Jessica, the duchess of Maine, said with a bright smile. She kissed me on both cheeks and walked out of my father's office with her brother, Duke Jeffery. My father shut the wooden doors behind them and sat on the edge of the desk. "Well-" Before he could finish his sentence, there was a loud thumping noise downstairs and then a bloody scream. Both of us ran towards the door, as we thought it was Jazmyn or mother.

When we got to the end of the staircase, there stood Jaxon, Jason, and Chanel, who was on top of Jessica. "Excuse me." My father cleared his throat and motioned for me to get Chanel off of the duchess. Jaxon and I pulled her up by her arms and Jason just stood around like he wasn't aware of his surroundings. "What's going on here?" I asked and looked at each of them for an answer. My father and the duke helped up Jessica, who frowned and brushed her hands over her gown. "This is absurd!! What kind of freak show do you have running here, King Justinan?"

Chanel chewed on her fingernails and then slipped out of my grip, only to get in Jessica's face. "Noooo don't you talk to.....Justinan!!" She slurred and pointed her fingers in her face. Jaxon got in between them and pushed Chanel back into my arms. "Her and Jason here got high and drunk at a house party his friends were hosting." I sighed and ran my fingers through her hair, which smelled like straight vodka. "What did she take?" I turned and looked at Jason, who held a grin while he held on to the staircase railing.

"Nothing much. She smoked, she sniffed some stuff, and took a couple pills. No big deal."

I charged at him but Jaxon and my dad grabbed me, pulling me back away from him. "You idiot!! How could you be so immature?! She hasn't drank or done drugs a day in her life and now here you come waltzing in here messing her up!" Chanel covered her ears with her hands. "Justinan, shut uuuuuuup!" She stomped her feet like a child and looked up at the ceiling. "And where were you? Hm?" I asked Jaxon, who shrugged. "Was dancing downstairs with this girl. She was so pretty."

"Oh you're talking about London? Yeah she's so pretty, Justinan." She said and literally jumped in my arms. I held her tightly so that she wouldn't fall. "Everyone go to your rooms, we'll discuss this in the morning when you're all sober." I picked Chanel up bridal style and walked up the long staircase to my door. She jumped down from my arms and knocked on the door. "Justinan! Open the door! It's me!"

"Chanel, I'm right here."

She turned and looked at me. "Oh." I pushed open the doors and walked her into the room. "Come on, I'll just sleep on the-" She grabbed ahold of my shoulder and emptied out all of the contents that were in her stomach. All over my black Gucci loafers. "You've got to be kidding me..." I groaned and held her hair back while she puked some more on my hardwood floors. "What the hell did you drink, Chanel? God-" I pinched my nose and walked over to the loudspeaker.

"Service needed in my room. Now!"

Within minutes, five servants were in my room cleaning up the big mess she made. "Justinan, where is my grand baby?" Connie said tiredly and walked in the room with a frown on her face. "She's in the bed, Con. She fell asleep soon after she threw up everywhere so I just left her there." Connie nodded and looked down at my shoes. "Oh my! I know that child didn't throw up on you!"

I shrugged and slipped out of them. "Have those cleaned thoroughly and returned to me by tomorrow afternoon. As for Chanel, she can stay in here until she sobers up. I'll take care of her." Connie nodded and grabbed the part of the shoes that weren't contaminated. "Yes, my king. Goodnight." She raised up on her toes and kissed me on the forehead like she used to do before bed and walked out with the rest of the servants.

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