I made the sandwiches bringing them back into the study .

" You think he found it John " she asked taking a bite

" I don't know , I really don't " I replied 

Suzannah picked up one of the ledgers " Look here , Gideons notes say he didn't "

She pointed at the note halfway down a page

'Star not in 5 Acres Never was ' it read

" Maybe " he was just frustrated " I said

" Maybe " she replied " Or maybe , he had it somewhere else other than 5 Acres "

" That's a point " I placed my plate down

" Have you seen this " I showed her Joshua's diary  " These are entries in the last months of his life , in his business diary "

She leaned in towards me

I pointed , continuing

" Four entries of Chinese visitors , four entries of Indian , I guess that was pretty normal as he traded out there "

" Yes " she nodded

" But look " I pointed further down " These meetings were each of one hour , almost on the dot , but this one Francois Pitan From France "

" Who's he " Suzannah asked

" Not sure , but he spent ten minutes that's all , it also cross references with Joshua visiting him two months earlier . Look at the letter , very formal ' I request the pleasure of etc'  I passed the letter over

She looked at it

" He even hand signed it " I said trying to emphasise my find " He never hand signed any letters "

" That's right , not sure the significance though just yet " She replied

I pushed the point further " The meeting in France only lasted ten minutes , long way to go for ten minutes "

Suzannah agreed " Maybe Joshua got what he wanted "

" Maybe , oh hows your sandwich "

Suzannah stretched " Very nice , I will do the honours tomorrow , oh and that reminds me , I might be a bit later tomorrow , I've got my disciplinary meeting at 0930 .

" Oh ok , come after that " I suggested , " Do you want picking up "

" No thanks , I'm probably going to have to get used to being unemployed , so I will walk , it will clear my head . Anyway enough of this lets crack on " She pointed at my files in a school teacher way

" Yes maam " I jokingly replied

At that moment my cell phone rang

fumbling around in my jeans I found it

" Hello "

It was Krey

" Just checking in Tutbury , how is your search going , come up with anything "

" Not yet " I replied . I found his attempt to speak with a cut glass English accent annoying as he was clearly American . " I'm just ploughing through stuff at the moment , but getting nearer "

" Good" he replied " I will call later "

" They checking up on you " Suzannah asked

" Yes , Looks that way "

Suzannah looked up " They must be very concerned or very annoyed " she replied

I didn't answer just mumbledand started looking at another piece

" You know , I think we will find the answer in Joshua's lot " I suggested " cross referencing common denominators with Gideons work may help"

" Good idea " She replied " You know how on television they always overlook the obvious "

I laughed " Yeah , but that's TV , always looks easier there , and we haven't got Columbo with us on this "

Suzannah looked at her watch as I glanced at the clock

" John crikey me it's half past six , would you mind if I got along now , I have got a bit of prep to do before I'm hauled in front of the Gestapo in the morning "

" No , of course not , you've been great , a great help "

She got up picking up the coffee cups as if by habit and taking them into the kitchen.

Putting on her raincoat she turned the latch on the door , she paused for a moment

" John you don't think you could pick me up tomorrow do you , you know from the disciplinary "

" Yes of course I will " I replied " What time "

She turned her collar up to face the evening

" Well around eleven would be about right I'd think "

" where is it being held " I asked as she opened her brolly

" If you wait some place near the Library that would be great "

With that I closed the door as she walked towards the gates and walked back into the study.For the first time that day I felt suddenly lost , a bit scared and a lot out of my depth . Should I just call the Police .

I perched on the edge of the chair Suzannah had been sitting on and started flicking through the files again . Page after page I turned

It must be in here , for God's sake it must be

Gideon's ChairUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum