Chapter 12

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Niall's POV:

I've been living with my boyfriends for two weeks now, and I have never been happier. I love these boys with all my heart, and I have never felt more loved. I'm quitting my job at the sub shop; I promised Joe I would work until the end of the month, so he had time to hire a new employee. I wasn't about to leave without Sam's blessing, and she is "allowing" me to leave as long as we get to hang out at least once a week.

"Beautiful home," Sam smiles as I open the front door to let her in.

I giggle, "Thank you, can't say I did much of the decorating."

We stand awkwardly in the doorway for a few seconds, "so um, shall I give you a tour?" I smile taking her hand in mine. The tour takes shorter than I expected, and it's a weird, like I am showing off.

"Sam, I..." I say trying to explain how I was not going to be stuck up now and how I would always be the same Niall.

"You have nothing to explain Niall, you are getting your happily ever after, with four boys who love you. Your life has sucked Niall, I am not going to lie, and you deserve everything you are getting now. Good things happen to good people, and all good things come to those who wait. You have waited far too long to be loved, and now you four amazing guys who love you. You are one of the most spectacular people I have ever met, and you deserve everything good that is coming to you. Niall, you are my best friend, I am glad you finally don't have to work you ass off every night, or worry if you can pay the electric bill this month. I am happy for you, and I am fucking ecstatic that you are being loved by four great boys," Sam says with a smile.

I pull her into my chest, because god damn it, I wouldn't be here without her and I would never have actually had the balls to go deliver those sandwiches to the studio that day without her pushing me. She is the reason I have my four amazing boyfriends, she is the reason I kept going to school after I got bullied every day, she is the reason I stayed strong for so long, Sam is one of the most amazing people I have ever met, and I don't think I will ever be able to repay her.

"I love you Niall," Sam whispers.

"I love you too, Sam," I smile back, whipping some of the tears that have fallen from her eyes, "you are my best friend."

"So do I get to meet your boyfriends or what?" Sam giggles, pulling out of my arms to place her hand on her hips, trying to look tough, ha!

I chuckle, "of course, they have been wanting to meet you," I say grabbing her hand and pulling her into the kitchen, where I has asked my four boyfriends to wait.

They were sitting at the table, and all of their heads perk up as they hear out footsteps approaching.

"Babes," I say and take a deep breath, it was like I was introducing my parent to my boyfriends, and I didn't have a lot of experience in that field, "this is my best friend, Sam."

Liam gets up first, offering his warm friendly puppy smile, and stretches out his hand, in a very professional manner, "pleasure to meet you Sam, we have heard so much about you, I'm Liam."

The rest of the boys get up and introduce themselves and Sam is smitten as hell. We all sit down and eat dinner, and Sam makes sure to question the boys about their faithfulness, but she doesn't ask about music and she blushes every time they tell her how amazing of a friend she is to me.

We sit and play video games and Sam smiles like an idiot when I cuddle into Harry's shoulder. My boyfriends like my best friend; I could possibly be the happiest person in the world at the moment. She asks about their music and their new album, and I can't help but smile, as her eyes get big and you can see the intrigue in her eyes as she listens to them talk.

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