Chapter 1

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Niall's POV:

'Come on Nialler, you have only got a few more months of this, then you are free," I whispered to myself as I sat in my very beat up old car. Sighing, I take the key out of the ignition and open the car door. It squeaks loudly and a few girls in the next car laugh. I blush and swing my backpack over my shoulder, before walking away with my head down.

"Nice car loser!" one of the girls calls as she checks her make up. I don't say anything, after all this time I've learned to just let it go, pick your battles, and fighting with the fake blonde hair with enough make up on to be a clown, wasn't one of them.

I keep my head down as I try to walk through the sea of people in the hallway. Bodies are pressed against me on all sides, not noticing the short blonde kid that I am, nobody makes way or apologizes if they accidently shove me, I would be surprised if any of them even knew my name, but I prefer it that way, I would rather remain hidden within the sea of people instead of drawing attention to myself. Mindlessly I turn the dial on my locker and grab some of the binders for my classes; I try to move as quickly as possible, because I have learned, the less time you spend out in the open hallways the better.

AP English is my first hour, English isn't exactly my forte, but I needed the AP class for my college reassume. The teacher drones on about the actions of Charlotte Lucas marrying Mr. Collins. I rest my head down on my arms and close my eyes, I didn't get much sleep last night as usual, and always hoped I could catch up during some of my boring classes like English.

"Mr. Horan, what do you think of the actions of Miss. Lucas?" the teacher says causing myself to jump the sudden call of my name. Everyone in the class is staring at me now, I can feel my face turn bright red and I sink a bit lower into my chair, "well? Mr. Horan come on now, we don't have all day," the teacher says as his glasses slip down his noise.

"Um, I think that, um that, Charlotte, she um said yes to Mr. Collin's be-because," I whisper, by my voice is shaking, a few people in the class giggle at me.

"Mr. Horan, you will have to speak up, because I cannot hear you," the teacher says with a tick of his tongue.

"Well her um, her fa-family wanted her to, to get, get married, because um, because," I stutter.

"Because what Mr. Horan? Actually read the chapters I assign Mr. Horan, instead of day dreaming about that band of yours," The teacher growls, Niall bites his lip to hold back the tears that are building up behind his eyes as the class burst into laughter. Even the teacher laughs at his own joke, "Okay, settle down, settle down now, Miss. Hawkins, do you know the answer?"

Lily Hawkins smirks, "of course Mr. Fredrickson, I finished the book last night." She's kissing her teacher's ass like always, I want to roll my eyes, but I am still in self-shame and fighting the urge to cry.

I can tell you exactly the hell why charlotte Lucas said yes to that ass whole Mr. Collins, she was twenty seven years old and hadn't found a husband yet, and back then she was considered an old maid. Her younger sisters weren't out in society yet, so they didn't have the chance to go looking for husbands and she was holding them back. If she didn't get married, her brothers would be forced to take care of her and fund her life until she died. Even though Mr. Collins is a total jerk, liar and womanizer, he was her only option. Plus she didn't believe in marrying for love, she believed in marrying for social status and for wealth. Give me a god damn essay to write Mr. Fredrickson, I will tell you exactly the hell why she said yes, I will give you quotes from the god damn book and write you a five page paper! But ask me to speak out in class, I end up stuttering and making a fool of myself, and the worst part, I think he likes making a fool out of me.

Save me.. Zianourry Niall centreWhere stories live. Discover now