Chapter 9

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Niall's POV:

I am far too comfortable to be awake, but the sun has another agenda, as it shines through the blinds. Rolling over to avoid the sun in my eyes, I realize I am trapped.

Louis face is just inches from mine, his eyes closed peacefully, his mouth slightly open as he breathes. Stretching my neck, I see Liam is cuddled into my other side, his arms draped around me, holding me against his chest. He was snoring, and it was pretty funny.

Burying my face into Louis chest, it's warm and soft, a perfect pillow. Harry has his feet stretched out, his legs intertwining with Liam. One of his legs is wrapped around my calf, him wanting to hold onto some part of me through the night. Zayn on the other hand has one of his arms tossed across the top of the pillows above Louis' head, his fingers just centimeters from being laced in my hair. All of them wanted to be with me through the night, and I feel my heart swell.

A cloud must have passed over and covered the sun, because the room loses the bright rays of good flowing through the blinds. Closing my eyes, I sink back into the four boys' touch, trying to mesmerize this feeling. I don't want to move, ever, I want to stay in this interlocked and tangled position forever, safe, warm, and happy.


Harry's POV:

Yawning, I stretch my back, hearing the familiar pop of my spine. I smile as I still feel my foot against Niall's leg, happy that it hadn't moved during the night. Blinking as I get used to the light, I glance over Liam's shoulder to see Zayn playing with Niall's hair.

"Hey," Zayn whispers as he notices my stare, his hand drags softly through the blonde's hair.

"Hi," I murmur back, rubbing my foot against Niall, "Are we the only ones awake?" I whisper quietly, hoping not to wake any of my sleeping boys.

Louis smirks, "No, but I'm not moving." I sit up a bit to see Niall has his head on Louis' chest, as Louis rubs Niall's back gently, "he's very cuddler," Louis smiles.

I laugh, "Shush, be quiet, Niall's sleeping," Liam hisses, his arms still tightly wrapped around Niall's sides.

"Glad to see Liam's up too," Zayn teases.

"What time is it?" Liam whispers, pulling himself closer to Niall.

Zayn glances over his shoulder to look at the alarm clock, "just after ten," he murmurs.

"He must have been really exhausted, been asleep nearly eleven hours," Louis said, rubbing tiny circles in his back.

"He had a long day yesterday," I whimper, trying to forget the idea that his Niall, tried to kill himself.

There are a few minutes of awkward silence, all we hear is Niall's gentle breathes as he sleeps. A broken gasp escapes from Louis' lips.

"What's wrong boo?" I say startled.

"Look," Louis whimpers. I sit up to see that Niall's shirt had ridden up; black and blue bruises covered every inch of the pale white skin.

"Oh my god," Liam gasps sitting up in bed, sifting the mattress suddenly. Niall's nose bunches up and his mouth forms a large "O" as he yawns, his eyes blink several times, as he adjusts to the light.

He looks around at each one of us, before his eye brows scrunch together in utter confusion, "what's wrong?"

"Your back," Zayn chokes out. Niall tilts his head, his eye brows still knitted together, obviously not understanding what was wrong.

Save me.. Zianourry Niall centreNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ