Chapter 4

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Harry's POV:

"Well I think that went well," Louis' smirk as climb one of the security vans.

"We should keep him," I note cuddling into Louis' side.

"He's a person Haz, we can't 'keep him,' but yeah I agree with you, I want him in our relationship," Zayn smiles at the thought of the little blond man.

"We are going to have to move slow and carefully with Niall. You lads saw how shy and secluded he is, Niall's been hurt, you can see it in his eyes, we can't cause him any more damage," Liam mutters starring out the window at the dark night sky.

We all sit in silence, the only sound coming from the radio that the driver had turned on. "What do you think happened to him?" I whisper, I really want Niall to tell us so we can help him, but I'm terrified to know the scars that lie on our Niall's heart.

"Terrible things Harry, terrible things," Liam murmurs, "but we are going to try and fix them, show him that he can be loved, that he can trust us."

We live in a small mansion twenty minutes away from the studio; it's in a private neighborhood with a guard. It's always nice to come home after a long day, especially an emotionally draining one like today. I wonder what Niall goes home to? I hope it's a nice house, someplace beautiful, just like him.

Dreadfully tired, we all climb the grand staircase to go to bed. Our master is larger than average, even when you compare it to a mansion. When we went house hunting, we had to make sure to find a house that fit all of our needs. The main feature of the room was the gigantic bed that we all shared; the manufacture said it could sleep six, I'm glad, because that means there is enough room for Niall.

After taking turns getting ready for bed, we all climb into the bed and curl together. The best feeling in the world is being cuddled, you feel safe, you feel loved, there couldn't be a more spectacular feeling then being cuddled up against someone who loves and cares about you. I wonder if Niall has ever been cuddled...

Zayn puts on some movie that we have seen a million times, but it's nice to fall asleep to a little noise. We all wish each other goodnight and kiss before we snuggle underneath the covers. Eventually we are dropping like flies, one after the other drifts off into unconsciousness. Eventually it's just Louis and I awake, Louis has he head on my chest, while his legs are intertwined with Zayn's. "Boo?" I whisper quietly.

"Yeah Hazza?" Louis mumbles his voice heavy with sleep.

"Do you think we can get Niall to fall for us?" I whimper biting my lip.

Louis looks up at me, even when his eyes are half closed with exhaustion, his eyes sparkle, "I hope so Haz, I really hope so."

I don't comment again, Louis buries his face further into my chest. I play with his hair gently, rubbing his scape every so often. I hear Louis take a deep intake of breathe before sleep overpowers him.

I can't sleep; I wonder if Niall was okay, I wonder if he knew that he could trust us, I wonder if he has ever been loved by so much, I wonder how we had all fallen for this Irish boy so quickly, I wonder what he's hiding, I wonder if he will ever fall for us, I wonder a lot of things, that's probably why I'm still awake.

Thinking is so hard sometimes, you never really do have control of your thoughts, they just spin around in your head until you actually focus in on one of them, then it doesn't leave you alone, my boyfriend's say I think too much, I wonder if Niall thinks as much as I do; I have a feeling he does, I bet he has a million thoughts going around in his head, I bet he thinks an awful more then he speaks. I hope he can turn off those thoughts and get some sleep tonight, I've only seen him two times, and I can tell he doesn't sleep well.

Save me.. Zianourry Niall centreWhere stories live. Discover now