Drabble #20 - "Lydia, she's been crying all night. Okay?"

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Pairing: Stiles/Lydia

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Summary: The cries of a little banshee baby wake up the Martin-Stilinski household.

Tags: Established relationship, Family, Fluff, Romance, Parenthood

Author's Note: Here's a little Stydia plus a newborn fluff because YES! All the Stydia lately has been killing me but yet giving me so much life!!!

Dedication: This is incredibly delayed but life gets in the way and there's only so much I can do. For the lovely Audrey, waitingn-vain on tumblr. Happy belated birthday, sweetie!


"Lydia, she's been crying all night. Okay?"

Lydia still remembers a time when Stiles used to freak out about it. Well, when they freaked out about the cries of a banshee newborn baby. Now, almost four months into parenthood, Lydia can proudly say that they mostly got the hang of it.

However, that doesn't make the sounds of little Ellie's cries any more pleasant. "No, not again..." Lydia mumbles sleepily, stirring uncomfortably and certainly not very amused at her daughter's screaming from the other bedroom. Sure it's not the baby's fault, but it's still something that Lydia hasn't quite yet gotten accustomed with and doesn't welcome all that well, understandably, especially at...

Lydia stirs on the bed to roll on her side and check the alarm clock on Stiles' bedside table, only to have hushed words whispered to her lips that she wasn't expecting, a kiss on her forehead along with it.

When did Stiles even get home?

"I'll go. Just stay in bed," he says, and it's soothing and pleasing...

But he can't go, he can't. "No, wait. Stiles..."

"It's okay, I've got it."

He's out of their bedroom before Lydia can protest further or wake up properly. Finding out that it's almost four in the morning, Lydia gets up from the bed reluctantly to go find her family.

Stiles passes by their bedroom with their crying daughter in his arms before Lydia can even sit up, tired as she's been feeling lately. Putting on her robe, Lydia drags her feet lazily to meet them in the kitchen, the baby's cries at such a late (or early) hour piercing her ears and guiding her to them.

She finds Stiles hushing their crying baby and murmuring soothing words as he reaches for the formula that Lydia always leaves prepared for the nights, struggling a little to comfort the baby while doing so. Lydia walks up to him, reaching for an empty bottle. "Let me help," she murmurs with a small smile on her lips, the sight of her husband with their daughter more than enough to really wake her up and have her utterly, truly happy. He's been gone so much lately...

"No. Lyds, go back to bed. I can do this."

She starts preparing the bottle for him nonetheless. "I know you can. But you are the one who should be in bed right now." She looks at Stiles over her shoulder to find him running a hand soothingly up and down the baby's back, her cries subsiding a little. "How long ago did you get home? I didn't notice you coming."

Stiles smirks immediately at the implied dirty joke, taking a step closer to Lydia. His free arm circles her waist effortlessly from behind. "You always know when I am," he teases amused.

Lydia rolls her eyes but smiles nonetheless, putting the bottle to warm up and turning to face her husband. "You know what I meant." Her fingers intertwine behind his neck to pull him down for a kiss. "Hi."

Birthday drabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora