Drabble #14 - "I am not jealous."

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Pairing: Stiles/Lydia

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Summary: Stiles and Lydia figure it out.

A/N: Part 3 of Drabble #9. You might wanna re-read parts 1 and 2.

Like I'd warned, I posted it on tumblr on the 4th for Zarish's birthday, and I'm only posting it here now because I was away at House of Wolves con. And on that note, if you're not in on the latest Stydia news, you might wanna go check out my tumblr 😉

Dedication: For Zarish, stydiasroden on tumblr. Happy birthday!


"I am not jealous."

Stiles startles at the unexpected sound of her voice, the towel he was just wrapping around his waist almost slipping off of his fingers. He was not counting on Lydia to go find him so soon, certainly not since it's only been an hour since he left her and it's already past 1am.

He turns around to find the strawberry blonde by his bedroom door, her pillow held tight against her chest, her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail the way he knows it always is before she goes to bed and she's dressed in her favorite, most comfortable pj.

Seems like she intends on sleeping at his dorm tonight.

Eyes wide, she poorly disguises the way her sight wanders over his body, from the towel that is hanging low on his hips to his bare chest, to the way his wet hair seems even darker than usual.

He was not supposed to be looking this hot right now, even if Lydia already knows his rituals by heart and was almost positive that he'd be just getting out of the shower by the time she'd reach his room. It still doesn't make it any easier for her to swallow the lump in her throat and try her best not to melt on the spot.

It sure does make her feel hot all of a sudden, though.

She closes his bedroom door behind her, and is about to put her pillow on top of his comforter when he speaks.

"You know what? The fact that we don't lock our doors to each other doesn't mean that we shouldn't knock, Lydia," he chastises playfully.

She barely manages to let out a low "Sorry" before her pillow falls from her arms and he continues.

(She's so not sorry, though...)

"But are you even serious right now? You came all the way across campus on your pjs to tell me that you're not jealous? Really?! That's a little too much, even for you, Lyds," he tells her, chuckling at the banshee's initiative.

Stiles rummages through some of his drawers to find clean clothes, putting on new boxers underneath the towel after turning his back to Lydia. He doesn't see the way blood creeps up her cheeks and neck, but he sure notices how worked up she is on her unsteady voice when she replies.

"I uh-"

Her mouth goes dry inexplicably.

Inexplicably, yes...

Lydia clears her throat. "I- I wasn't finished."

Stiles discards the towel and glances at the redhead over his shoulder. "Alright." He smirks deviously. "Start from the beginning then," he defies, pacing around the room to find his comb and then returning to where he was before, taking his time to pull on a pair of grey sweats and a black t-shirt, letting Lydia enjoy the show as she all but gawks, speechless for a moment as he wanders around only in his boxers.

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