Drabble #17 - "Are you wearing my shirt?"

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Pairing: Stiles/Lydia

Rating: General Audiences

Summary: Lydia wears Stiles' lacrosse jersey in public for the first time.

Tags: Humor, Fluff, Established relationship

A/N: Have some just established relationship with a bit of flirting and fluff. Assume that this is right at the end of senior year.

Dedication: For Cynthia, lunaxgoddess on tumblr. Happy birthday, sweetie!


"Are you wearing my shirt?"

His tone is hopeful, playful, and Lydia rolls her eyes despite the smile that tugs at her lips, putting her phone on speaker so that she can move freely around her bedroom as she finishes getting ready, placing the device on her vanity before combing her hair. "For the hundredth time this week, yes, Stiles. I'll wear your shirt. I promised I would, didn't I?"

She can practically hear the smug smile he's wearing on the other line. "But that's not what I asked, now is it?"

Lydia huffs in feigned annoyance, knowing that her (very, very recent) boyfriend is over the top with the fact that she wanted to do this for him. "Okay, so maybe I am wearing your shirt right now..."

She's pretty sure he pumps his fist in the hair. "I knew it!"

"It's not a big deal, Stil-"

"Of course it is. It's still three hours until the game and you're already wearing my shirt. You just couldn't wait, could you?"

Why is she dating him again? "You know I like wearing your jersey, it's not like I hide it. And this is technically my jersey, I was the one who had it made for me-"

"If it's says Stilinski 24 on the back, it's not."

Lydia checks herself (and okay, his shirt too) in the mirror, smiling and starting to braid her hair to the side. "I think you lost track of time again," she teases. "The game is in less than two hours, not three like you said," she tells him, trying to divert the subject.

There's a loud thump on the other line and a curse muttered, and she can only believe that Stiles most likely tripped over something to get to his laptop to check the time and see if his girlfriend is right. "Ah, shit. Scott should be here any minute now."

Lydia laughs at his clumsiness. "That's what you get for being smug."

"Shut up, you love it," he murmurs, gathering his gear if all the noise Lydia can hear in the background is any indication.

"I'm pretty sure I don't," she teases, applying just a little bit of lipstick and smacking her lips together.

She knows what's coming even before he says it. "Funny. That's not what you said last night."

She can't help the giggle that escapes her. "Now, now. If you're not careful, you're not getting any anytime soon, Stiles," she says jokingly.

"Like you could go a day without this," he retorts.

She's pretty sure he's grinning. Dammit.

Lydia bends down to put on her heels. "You're too smug for your own good, Stiles."

"I'm too good for my own good, Lyds, and for yours as well."

She shakes her head in disbelief. "We'll see about that later. Go on, Coach will kill you if you're not there in time for warm ups. It's your last game, Stiles."

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