Drabble #10 - "The planet is fine. The people are fucked."

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Pairing: Stiles/Derek

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Summary: Stiles is a babbler. Stiles is a babbler and his big mouth leads to him getting hurt, and the fact that he's bleeding onto Derek's floor doesn't make it any less true.

Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Hurt!Stiles, Bisexual!Stiles, mentions of Lydia, minor Stydia background, I suck at tagging really

A/N: To all the Sterek shippers that might read this: I'm a Stydia shipper and I will be until my dying breath but Sterek means something to me as well. I don't see Sterek romantically in canon but I do think that their relationship has evolved with time and that their friendship should have been more explored in the show. Regardless, I think Sterek has great potential in fanon and I've read countless Sterek fics to the date. AUs are my favorite. I think there are immense possibilities to write Sterek in alternative settings, let alone the fact that there are amazing Sterek fics' writers out there, so a shout out to them. Besides, to me Stiles is clearly bisexual even if they've been ignoring it more and more in canon. It was written from the very beginning, they just didn't go for it. In my honest opinion, Stiles/Lydia/Derek could have been quite the trio.

This is not my first time writing fanfiction and I'm still relatively new to writing it (going on 11 months now), but I've only written for Stydia. And even though I've written quite a few fics so far, this is my first time writing for Sterek, so please go easy on me. Still, I'd love to know what you think about it. And pleasekeep in mind that English is not my first language.

That said, this little birthday drabble is dedicated to Leonie (leetje on tumblr/twitter) and it's set three years in the future, when Derek is back in Beacon Hills. Even if I'm more comfortable with Sterek AUs, I tried to write this closer to canon. I hope you like it :)


"The planet is fine. The peopl-" Stiles winces when Derek helps him take off his plaid and touches his bicep to check the bleeding wound. "The people are fucked."

Derek tries his best to keep his mouth shut since Stiles can't seem to be able to. At least he hasn't in the last twenty minutes; he's been talking his ears off ever since Derek picked him up. Derek would take it for shock if it wasn't Stiles' usual blabbering self.

"Seriously though," Stiles continues. "Who the fuck just tries to rob a guy? And with a knife?" he asks, almost incredulous. "What kind of world are we livin' in?"

Derek rolls his eyes, gesturing for Stiles to sit on the couch while he goes look for the first aid kit. "It's not like we're in Beacon Hills or anything," the werewolf remarks sarcastically, raising his tone a little bit so that Stiles can hear him from the other room.

Derek doesn't hear a response but ignores it, grabbing the kit and a couple of small towels from the bathroom, along with a bowl with clean water from the kitchen. After placing everything on the coffee table in front of Stiles, he goes back to bring out a small metallic container and a bottle of vodka as well, returning to the living room to find Stiles pacing around the loft, dripping blood to the floor like he doesn't even notice he's doing it, flailing arms and a hyperactive stance that Derek would see on Stiles on any normal day. But Stiles doesn't bleed as a general rule, not if Derek or anyone else from the pack can help it. "I thought I told you to sit."

"You know I can't just stay still," Stiles quips, continuing walking back and forth and tripping on his own two feet like the clumsy little bastard he is because of the adrenaline. As a reflex, Derek grabs his elbow so that Stiles doesn't fall on his face and Stiles winces in pain again, the blood staining Derek's hand where he's touching Stiles.

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