Drabble #11 - "I think it's about time we stop avoiding the obvious."

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Pairing: Stiles/Lydia

Rating: General Audiences

Summary: Stiles knows that Lydia is jealous, so he keeps pushing her.

A/N: This is part 2 for Drabble #9 – written for Belle, kirughyukimura on tumblr. You might wanna reread it. Part 3 will be posted on December 4 for Zarish's birthday, stydiasroden on tumblr.

Dedication: For Mariana, deepkissesandunexpectedhappiness on tumblr. Happy birthday, love!


Lydia closes the front door on his face. It's a good thing that he has a spare key to let himself in.

"Lydia, I think it's about time we stop avoiding the obvious," he spurts out, frantically getting inside and closing the front door behind him, heading to her bedroom where he's sure Lydia went looking for hiding. Passing the kitchen, he notices her roommate there, in the middle of her midnight snack before returning to her study. "Oh. Hey, Iris."

"What happened now?" the girl asks, amused.

Stiles revels in the way that literally everyone on campus knows how he can easily work Lydia up. He beams. "I still think she's jealous. She obviously disagrees. I know I'm right." He shrugs his shoulders, chuckling. "The usual."

Iris laughs freely. It's been three weeks since Stiles and Lydia met with their friend Scott at UC Davis and the jealousy subject has been recurrent in Lydia and Iris' apartment since then. Before the girl can reply, a door slams hard down the hall. Stiles smirks at the banshee's reaction. "You might wanna go tease her a little more. She'll give in eventually," Iris offers confidently, taking a bite of her apple.

Stiles nods dutifully and smiles at her before making his way to Lydia's bedroom. As expected, her door is locked. "Lyds," he asks, knocking twice. "Please open the door."

He can almost hear the roll of her eyes. "No."


"I said no!"

Stiles huffs and lowers his tone of voice. He knows she likes it.

Okay, so maybe Scott told him that Lydia's heart beats faster when he murmurs or whispers. Whatever.

"Lydia," he almost hums, "you know we don't lock our doors to each other." It's part of their agreement. Because Stiles' dorm is across campus, both of them have a copy of the other's house key in case something happens, and the bedroom doors should be unlocked at all times. If they are locked, the other is to assume that something is wrong. "So please, just open the door..."

She does so so quickly that Stiles startles. She must have been right behind the door. "What for? For you to keep up with this absurd-"

"It's not absurd if it's not a lie," he argues, taking a step forward and placing a hand on her door so she doesn't slam it on his face again. "Lydia, you're jealous. So what? It's not that big of a deal. Just..." He takes another step forward and Lydia takes one back defensively, not wanting to get too close to him. Being close to him clouds her judgement. She doesn't like that. "Just admit it," he murmurs, closing the door behind him. Iris will know whatever she has to know in time. He's sure she was listening in.

Though Scott would too, if he was there.

Lydia stomps her foot stubbornly. "I can't admit to something that-"

"That what? I can tell when you're lying, Lydia. Are you seriously gonna lie to my face?" he challenges, taking another step forward.

Lydia swallows dryly and tries to back away again, only to bump with the back of her knees on her mattress. Damn her small dorm room! "I- I uh..." She steps away from him, feeling her cheeks heat up as she makes her way to a corner of the bedroom where it isn't so crowded. When did it get so hot in there, anyway? She crosses her arms at her chest. "Maybe you should go."

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