Charlie Brown and a Blast from the Past

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Just because I felt like it, I posted a second chapter within two hours of the last one. Be happy, its 1:30 and I worked so hard on this… again I do not own Legion or any of the Legion characters. This story is fan made. NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED!

A man was sprawled on the floor bleeding from his neck where a large chunk had been bitten off. The tables and chairs were in disarray and the wife of the man was hysterical. A colored man held a smoking gun while a more scared shitless man held a shot gun out. An old woman lay on the floor in front of that man with three bullet wounds in her back. Well to a normal person that is what is would have looked like, but I knew better. That woman was a Possessed. A weak willed human whose mind, body, and soul were overrun by an angel. Stepping cautiously over to her, knowing any fast movement would scare the humans more, I got down and gently touched her neck looking for a pulse. When I found none I lifted my hand away, it brushed against her forehead and then the world fell from under me.

When I resurfaced I was in a booth with a young pregnant woman leaning over me placing a cool damp towel on my forehead. Gasping I sat up and as I did the two men, the woman and the teenage girl from earlier all rushed in dragging the injured man along. My head was spinning ever so slightly, but when the woman touched my shoulder I felt a shock run through my body as the news I just received flooded into my mind once more.  

“You’re in danger.” I managed to croak out

“Shh, now rest.” She said as she handed me a glass of water.  Her name plate read ‘Charlie’. I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot as Charlie Brown popped into my mind.  

“What?” she snapped at me.

“Nothing, I’m sorry but your name reminds me of Charlie Brown.” I said stupidly. She gave me a strange look and then walked off to aid a man in late forties early fifties.

While she was a way I played with all the facts in my mind. In short God was tired of the human race and now it needed to be eradicated. But the baby in her womb was the key to man-kind’s survival. I might not have like or even have loved most of this race but I sure as hell wasn’t going to let them fall without a fight. So gracefully standing I strode out to my bike and grabbed my duffle bag. This bag held an extra set of clothes, a full first aid kit, two Nighthawk Custom Enforcer pistols, one Kimber Eclipse II pistol, eighteen full clips total, fifty throwing stars, six combat knives, two boot daggers, an extra set of daggers and one three part staff. Like I said before, I killed demons I was always prepared. Placing my bag on the ground next to the injured man, I took out the first aid kit. Washing his wound and doing my best to close it, I glanced at his family. I saw the scared and over whelmed girl and the hysterical wife, you would think she was injured. I wrapped gauze around his neck, making sure it was secure but not killing him.

I returned my kit to the bag and stood. I waltzed over to a seat in the corner. Here I had a good view of all sides. Here I could protect them as best as I could. Bob, his son Jeep, Percy, the cook and Kyle, the man that had the smoking gun, began to wrap the old lady’s body in plastic so they could dispose over her out back. I walked with them so I could get a better look at the territory I would be protecting. As we were nearing the shop a police car flew down the road and skidded to a stop in the parking lot. I told myself I was ready for whatever stepped out of that car, boy was I ever wrong.

The face I thought I would never see again glided out of the car. His ethereal grace along told me I was not dreaming or seeing a double. Only angels had that kind of grace and no angels were a like. Sucking a breath between my teeth I stared at him. He had a determined look on his face that told me he was here for one of two reasons, to protect or to kill. When his eyes zoned in on Charlie, he took a step closer. I slid my body in front of her, blocking his view.  It took a minute, but recognition lit up his eyes as he scanned my body. He looked like he wanted to say something but Bob cut him off.

“Take one more step and I’ll drop you right there.” He threatened. Michael looked somewhat amused as he answered that threat with a question.

“Is that how you greet all your customers?” his pricing gaze was focused on Bob, calculating his every move. I knew I should intervene before things got out of hand.

“Mister after what we’ve been through, you’re lucky we don’t shot you first and greet you later.” Bob paused for a moment to catch his breath before continuing. “Now let me see them teeth.” Michael didn’t move, even if his face was blank I could just see him going ‘Are you serious?’ his eyes shifted back to me for a fraction of a second, if I hadn’t been watching him so closely I would have missed it.

“Teeth, god damnit! Let me see ‘em!” Bob ordered with more force. I knew he was seriously shaken by what had happened earlier, and his fried nerves were getting to him. Michael must have sensed it as well because he complied and bared his teeth.

“No shark teeth pap.” Jeep stated the obvious, but I kept my mouth shut knowing they needed the verbal confirmation to ease their fears somewhat.

“Ok then, how ‘bout you tell us your name.” Bob still had the shot gun poised at Michael and by the looks of it he wasn’t lowering it any time soon. Michael caught my gaze and gave me a look that was one part ‘WTH?!’ and another that was almost a mixture of ‘I’ve missed you’ ‘how’ve you been?’ and ‘ is it really you?’. I matched that look with one of my ‘more becoming natural’ look of distance and a hint pain that I couldn’t quiet hide.

“Michael.” He answered gazing back at Bob.

Bob, thinking he was not a threat, took a step forward and lowered the gun.

“Well I’m sorry about that Michael. We had this old lay that went crazy in my place. She had these teeth; Never seen anything like it. Practically bit a man in half.” He explained. “What are you doing out here anyway?  You don’t look like any police man I ever saw; even one from L.A.” then Bob went on and craked some joke about stealing a cop car. I was too busy focusing on Michael to listen any longer. These minutes were key, I was about to find out if Michael was for us or against us, because even though skill wise I was close to his equal, Michael had always been the best. No matter what I did, he would always out maneuver me. I knew that if I had to fight him, I would probably die aand then one on would save neither that child nor the human race.

“you don’t know do you?” Michael said. Kyle and Charlie said a few words but I was tensing. Michael stepped forward and Bob raised the barrel again.

“You best start talking or you just get the hell out of here.” Bob said, Michael grabbed the gun from him and rested the barrel on his forehead. Charlie screamed and Kyle pulled out his pistol. Jeep tried to reason with Bob, and Michael had a very menacingly calm look to him. I had seen that look before; it was the same look he had when he found me after an unorthodox game of ‘hide and seek’.

“Michael.” I growled. He didn’t turn to me but his gaze shifted for a split second to me.

“Leave him be.” I said again as I inched forward. Percy came out and gave a rather touching speech, but I knew Michael was only listening for my words.

“Michael. Leave. Him. Be.” I said sternly taking a step forward. Soon his face took on a curious look. He kept the barrel of the shot gun on Bob’s head as he turned and looked out.

“They’re here.” He said; his voice sparked something in me I thought had died. Removing the gun he handed, well more like pushed it, back to Bob. He went to the back of the cop car and removed two very large duffels. Charlie asked who he was talking about as I placed a firm hand on her arm and guided her back to the Diner. Inside there was a warmth blossoming, Michael was on our side, humanity had some hope yet.   

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