Now What?

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Chapter 12:

Week later

"I'm only staying here until I can get an apartment, Lin."

"You can stay as long as you want. Jason told me what happened."

"What? How did he know?"

"Jason talks to your mom, I mean he only got her side of the story, but he knows you."

"So he knows this wasn't just a game to me?"

"Yep...he told your mom that maybe it was love."

"She probably just thinks I'm a slut like Cameron does."

"Cameron doesn't really think that..."

"Lin, stop...stop being so naïve. They're are bad people in this world..." I said sighing.

"Yeah well...Cameron is just frustrated. He's the type of person that believes something and it'll take hell to freeze over twice before you can change his mind."

"And Justin says I'm stubborn..." I said. Every since Justin left out of my life, I always bring him up.

"I still don't understand why he broke up with you."

"He needed mommy's blessing. He's old I guess I was too young for him." I said rubbing my stomach.

"You should've told him...about the baby." Lin said. "Then maybe he would of stayed."

"I didn't want him to stay just because I'm pregnant." I said sighing.

"That's not exactly why he would've stayed. He probably would have told your brother to go to hell, cause he's got a family to take care of."

"I just didn't think it would help any. 'Oh, so know you're pregnant, by him. Trapping him with his baby.' I don't need that..." I said shaking my head. I felt my eyes watering.

"Fuck's your life." Lin yelled. I looked at her surprised. "Sorry...but I hate when people talk about my friends. Let alone my best friends."

"Yeah I know. I remember you kicked Rain Johnson's ass for calling Jason a fag in 5th grade." I said laughing.

"She had it coming..."

"Yes the bitch did." Jason said closing the front door.

"How did---"

"Key." He said to me. He sat next to me and gave me a hug. "How are ya holding up?" He said.

"Alright I guess."

"And the bun?" Jason patted my hard belly.

"I don't know...fine I guess."

"How far along?"

"A month now...just a month." I said smiling a little. "My ultrasound is next week."

"You need to tell him..." Jason said folding his arms.

"I can't...I can barely walk passed him at work let alone tell him I'm pregnant."

"You have to. It's the best thing for your child." Lin said. I sighed...I was scared to talk to him...

Next Day

"Ok you guys can take your lunch." Frank told us. I sighed and put up my camera. I started to walk out toward my car when I heard something following me. I stopped in my tracks afraid to turn around.

"Long time no see..." The voice said. I frowned knowing it wasn't Justin...or anyone familiar at the time. I felt hands grabbing my waist and felt warm breath on my neck. "Last time you didn't get me what I want...and I want it now." He said. I stepped on his foot with out question and ran. I just remembered I didn't drive my car. Fucking great...

I looked back seeing that it was that bartender guy. I kept running and heard a screech. I screamed and felt my body hit the ground. I blacked out.


I woke up in the hospital and jumped up.

"Whoa calm down..." Jason said pushing me back.

"What happened?" I said feeling my head hurting a little.

"You almost got ran over by a car." Jason said holding his chest.


"Guess who's car---"

"Is she ok?" I heard Justin's voice asked in distress. He was outside the room.

"She's gonna be fine..." The doctor said. He walked in and sighed when he saw me.

"I'm...I'm sorry." He said shaking his head. He brushed his hair back.

"You almost ran her over with your car. You owe her a teddy bear or flowers or some shit..." Jason said folding his arms.

"I just panic cause you ran right in front of the car."

"Some guy was chasing me..." I said remembering.

"Yeah I know...I ummm---"

"You kicked his ass didn't you?" Jason said.

"He was trying to hurt her." He said scratching his head.

"Why the hell are you here?" Cameron said walking in.

"I almost asked you the same question." Justin said.

"Are you ok?" Cameron said ignoring him.

"Yeah...I think."

"You're fine, Alicia." The doctor said.

"What about---" I stopped and looked at Cameron and Justin. "What about the baby?" I's no point in keep hiding it. Justin's eyes widen.

"What baby?" Cameron said frowning.

"Your baby is fine, you're both gonna be fine." The doctor said. He walked out leaving the awkwardness to turn into anger.

"What fucking baby?" Cameron asked again.

"Damn, Cameron. I mean come on, you can't be that stupid." Jason said with attitude.

"Jason, ain't nobody ask you." Cameron looked at me and folded his arms. "Who's the dad?" He said just to hurt me.

"Who do you think?" I asked as I look at Justin who had his head down.

"Shit...could be anyone." Cameron said shrugging.

"What the fuck is your problem? Why do you keep calling her a slut?" Justin said pressing his teeth together.

"I don't think it's you're place to talk right now." Cameron said with his eyebrows up.

"I think it is..." Justin said brushing his hair back. "That doesn't answer my question. I mean you're her big brother you're suppose to protect her like you claim you're doing, but you just keep downing her. You judge her like you haven't made a mistake in your life."

"She did make a mistake by fucking you." Cameron got in his face.

"Cameron...get out of my face." Justin warned.

"Or else what?" Cameron challenged. Justin snatched Cameron by the collar so quick it scared me.

"Justin...stop." I said kind of loud. Justin looked at me and calmed down. He let go and Cameron backed up a little. He brushed his clothes off and walked out with a mean mug for me.

Justin sighed and cover his mouth with his hand to chill.

"Well, I gotta go back to work, but I'll see you tonight." Jason said kissing me on the forehead. He started to walk out, gave Justin a thumbs up, and walked out. Justin sat in a chair near me and looked down.

"How long have you known?" He asked in a soft tone.

"I found out the night before you left." I confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me before I left?" He said looking up at me.

"Because I didn't want you to stay because I was pregnant. I wanted you to stay because you wanted to. If I told you, you would've felt obligated...not wanted." I said feeling my eye water.

"Of course I would feel obligated. Your carrying my child in you." He said frustrated. He shook his head as if he was thinking. "What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know..." I said honestly.

"You're keeping the baby...right?" He said hysterically.

"Yes...but I don't know what to do after that. How am I gonna go to school and take care of a baby?"

"I'm gonna help you, Ali." He said. "I want you to finish college."

"I don't know...I'm scared." I said feeling a tear fall down. Justin climbed on the bed and let me cry on his shoulder.

"It's's ok we're gonna get through this."

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