Thanks...Thanks For Nothing

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Chapter 21:


"Who were you on the phone with?" I said as Justin got off the phone while I was feeding Austin.

"Jacob...he was just telling me that I still had a job. Thank God." He said wiping his forehead.

"Looks like we're working together again." I said smiling. Justin smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"I hate leaving Austin with that lady."

"Who, Josey?" I said talking about our babysitter.

"Yeah...she's crazy." Justin said making the crazy sign with his finger. "Like know I know these things." Justin said.

"You didn't know Lori was crazy until you divorced her." I said lifting my eyebrow. Justin laughed and nodded.

"Tochè....but I know now."

"Then why are you with me?" I joked.

"I still don't know." Justin said making me throw a towel at him. He started laughing and putting his hands up in surrender. "It was a joke."

"Well it wasn't funny." I said pretending to be hurt.

"What did I tell you about pouting, baby?" Justin said getting close to my face.

"I don't remember..." I said still pouting. He put my chin up so my lips would meet his and started kissing me.

"I love you..." He whispered after our lips parted.

"I love you too, pops." I said patting his cheek.

"Ok, keep playin'." He said nodded walking away.

"Da da!" Austin squealed as he slapped his hands on the high chair table.

"Yeah exactly...dada crazy." I said loud enough for Justin to hear. I laughed and picked up Austin putting him on my hip.

"Dada heard that..." Justin called.

"Mama ain't scared." I said snapping my fingers. He came from the back putting on his shirt.

"Stop're teaching my son to be rachet." He said pointing. I pushed him only making him laugh.

"You're such an asshole..." I said covering Austin's ears with one hand pushing him toward my chest. He made a face at me and slapped my butt making me jump.

"Anyway, what are we doing Thursday?" He asked.

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