Find Out

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Chapter 10:

Justin's POV

Two days later

Clearly...Ali hate me now. She hasn't talked to me since she found about about Lori. She said she needed time to think, but I messed up.

Every time we run into each other at the office or even the kitchen, she won't look at me. I've tried to talk to her, but she just gives me the silent treatment. This was killing me...

I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around me. When I was done washing my face and brushing my teeth, I got out the shower and went to my room. I change into jean shorts and a camouflage beater since it was hot as hell. I dried off my hair and went downstairs.

"Hey, Justin. I'm making breakfast." Mrs. Simmons said.

"Cool...I'm not doing anything."

"Hey, Ali." She said making me turn around and see Ali walk in. She was wearing tan shorts and a navy blue tank. She had her hair in a ponytail. "Are you feeling better?"

"Great...I only threw up twice today so far." She said sarcastically.

"Well maybe you should go to the doctor."

"I have an appointment today at 2."

" want me to go with?"

"No I'm fine. Besides don't you have that luncheon at 12?"

"Oh yeah! What time is it?"

"Umm...11." I said looking at my phone for the time.

"Oh shoot...I gotta get ready." She said taking off her apron. "Ali can you finish?"

"Yeah, sure." She said grabbing the apron. She put it on and Mrs. Simmons rushed upstairs. I sat at the table and read on my phone to prevent myself from looking at Ali...but it was pretty damn hard.

After 45 minutes, Mrs. Simmons was out the door and Ali just finish cooking. Right when she finish putting the eggs in a bowl she rushed to the bathroom. I heard her puking and I sighed. I no longer had an appetite...

I went upstairs and checked my email on the computer. My phone vibrated.

--hey...coming to see you. I ran into your little girlfriend. That was fun.--- Lori

I shook my head and tossed my phone on the bed. This woman lived to ruin my life...

3 hours later

I heard the front door slam making me know it was Ali just coming back.

"Why won't you talk about it, Ali?" Her mom called out.

"There's nothing to talk about. Just drop it mom." She said slamming her bedroom door.


"Yeah?" I said opening my door.

"Can you come here please?" I went downstairs. "Do you have any idea what's bothering Ali?"

" I don't. Seems like what the doctor said--"

"Yeah...but she'd been bothered for a while. That just set off the bomb that was ticking."

"I don't know. She didn't say anything to me."

"Well can you talk to her for me?"

"Uhh...sure." I said tapping my fingers. I got up and went upstairs. I started pacing back and forth knowing she wasn't gonna let me in. But I knocked anyway.

"What?" Ali said in a sad voice.

"Umm...your mom wants me to talk to you." I said hoping she wouldn't deny me.

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