Far away.

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" Give me the teddy bear, Livia!! "

" My name is Livivia! And no! "

Waking up... to screaming children. One of the worst ways to wake up, and my least favorite... And over a goddamned TEDDY BEAR!!

" OUT, BITCHES! " I yelled. Followed by the pattering of small feet, and Grianna thanking me. I pulled myself out of my bed, locked the bedroom door, and threw myself back into bed, only to be kept awake for another 20 minutes.

Two Hours Later ~

Some time later, I was pulled out of my wondrous dream by a familiar disturbance. It echoed throughout the room, and shook me to my core. It was a disturbance in the force that I had long since been accustomed to...

A knock on my door.

" Lux, " Miss Aqual's, the warden, voice spoke. " I need you to report to the living room in thirty minutes! "

Meehhhhhhh, of course. I peeled the covers back, rolled out of bed, and pulled my tired body a few feet across the floor. Only to stop in exhaustion. A weary moan escaped me, as I slumped on the floor.

" Get your lazy ass up, Lux! You've got places to be! " Grianna yelled.

" You're not my dad! " I groaned back. Only to be slapped with a big, damned pillow, which I threw back at her when I finally got up. I brushed my hair, smeared on some make-up, and changed into some day clothes. After debating wether I should straighten my hair or not, I decided just to straighten it. The hobbit mess my genes cursed me with was annoying.

After 18 minutes of striaghtening my hair, and two more to braid it - or close enough to braiding it - I made my way to the living room.

" People are coming to meet you, Lux. " Miss Aqual said plainly.

I looked up at her in shock. People... Coming to meet... Me!?


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