Leg warmers and yoga pants

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Today started as it did usually. I got out of bed, and nabbed whatever breakfast was left from the stove. -The little gremlins could eat you out of house and home- After breakfast, I ran to my room and my clothes. A grey jacket, black skinny jeans, and a my chemical romance shirt. I threw on my converse black outs and made sure to grab my sketch book, phone, and last but not least, my headphones.

The weather was nice, so I decided to go outside. The backyard to the orphanage was beautiful. The fence was covered in vines and flowers, making it look as if the rest of the world was divided from the place. The long grass the reached about two inches over my feet, and cleaned away the dirt on my converse as I walked. In the center was a huge tree the height of two and a half elephants. Perfect for climbing.

I jumped up and grabbed onto the lowest branch and pulled myself on it. I looked up hoping to see the great leaves that blocked the sunIight. But instead of the familiar darkness that cooled me, there where three sights the made tears prick my eyes the moment I saw them sitting there, on three separate branches. I could feel a gripping cold envelope my body and my muscles stiffen. These three hated me. Bullied me every day for their own amusement and never stopped to think about how I was hurting. Jack, Griana, and Fawn. All around my age, maybe a year older. Jack was bit of a jock. He had black hair, bright blue eyes and striking features. I would've fallen for those features if they didn't have but one emotion for me.

Griana, She was a goofball. She had bright red hair, and brown eyes. We could've been good friends. And Fawn? Well, Fawn was just beautiful. Blonde hair that fell to her ribs, her eyes, a golden brown. See could have any man she wanted when she grew up. I wondered how she would use her looks, and sometimes saw her seducing other men and stealing all of there money while they stared at her with hearts in their eyes. It always made me chuckle.

But today was no longer a normal day, because for some reason, Jack had on yoga pants, and pink leg warmers, and a pink crop-top. I bit my lip and looked to the ground. If I laughed, even the slightest snicker, it would be the end of me. I put on my headphones and scrolled through my playlist. To top it off, I had just remembered that he was wearing a sparkling head band in his hair.

I have No explanation. Again revised by Because-Reasons

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