Slowly ticking

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I sat quietly in my room, silently crying and mumbling gibberish. These voices... These, fucking voices that torment me constantly... I... I don't even know how, but it hurts, and... This pain, I inflict on myself only silences them for a few moments before they start screaming in my head again... And again, and they never stop... I... I don't even know why they let me live anymore.

I grabbed the razor off my bed, and pulled off my shirt. I have to cut where they won't look. Where they will never see. If Fawn and Griana saw this, I... I don't even wanna think about it.

Do it, do it, do it, Do It, dO iT, DO it, do IT, Do It, Do iT, dO It, Do it, NOW

I took the razor from between my teeth, and braced myself on my nightstand with one hand. With that, I made a shallow cut on the same shoulder blade. The pain in my head disappeared instantly and was replaced with a stinging sensation on my back. The sudden halt of pain in my head made me feel a little dizzy. I fell to my knees, and took a few deep breaths.

" It's over... " I said between breaths, face-planting on the carpet floor. " No more... " I breathed.

Not yet~

I felt my muscles stiffen as a deep, and sinister voice spoke to me. This was the worst voice of all because.... Because he could touch me.

You're not finished yet, boy.

I was paralyzed. I couldn't move, I couldn't get up and run to safety, I was stuck here with this... Thing... And I couldn't do shit about it.

Suddenly, there was a dull ringing in my ears. It was starting again. I tried. I tried so hard to get myself moving, but it was no use. My own body refused to obey me... But it wasn't a surprised, considering I abused it so much. But then another sensation came into play. The creatures finger... It started and the top of my neck, and slowly... Ever so slowly made it's way to the start of my cut. The ringing got louder, as I tried harder and harder to get my body to move.

And without warning... The Thing jammed it's finger into the cut I had made, and the ringing became unbearably loud as the creatures finger moved up and down inside my already bleeding wound. the small trickle of blood became a steady stream as it seeped into the carpet floor. My fingers where shaking, and started bending and twitching of their own accord as the muscles in my arm relaxed and contracted over, and over, and over... I couldn't bear the pain... And I passed out.

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