Helping Jack

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I walked home dragging my heavy ass backpack behind me. It was heavier than it should have been. Probably because I stuffed a few extra text books in there when I shouldn't have.


I sighed at the voice in the back of my mind, and continued to drag my backpack all the way back to the orphanage. Once I had gotten to the door, I threw my backpack infront of me, and collapsed on it. I. Was. POOPED.

" Lux... "

My half lidded eyes snapped open as a familiar voice called my nickname.

Here comes your beating~

I turned my head to look in the direction of the voice. Sure enough. It was Jack, sitting on top of the warden's car. I stood up, and backed against the fence as fear gripped me. Suddenly, I felt cold.

He continued. " Have you ever felt... Y'know... Completely useless? "

I wasn't surprised. " Why the Hell would you care? You and your other two... Cronies make feel that way... " I snapped. Then hung my head in silence. " Everyday... " I added.

I looked up again to see if Jack had gotten upset and jumped off the car hood to hit me. But, to my great relief... He was still there... And for a split second, I saw him grit his teeth. As if he where feeling some sort of pain, or remorse. But it was only for a second. Then he flicked his hood over his face.

" Never mind, I'm just being stupid. " With that he jumped off the car hood, and walked over to the fence. I threw my arms in-front of my face, in fear of a punch. But instead of hitting me or pushing me out of the way, he just jumped the fence in complete silence. He didn't even touch me! Not even on accident! I shuddered as I watched Jack's legs fly over the fence, and heard a sudden thud followed by rustling grass. The moment his feet... Or his body for that matter, had hit the ground, a subtle pain in my head followed by static came out of nowhere. I was about to rub my temples when the pain and static disappeared suddenly.

" What the hell was that...? " I murmured. I looked up again and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I tried to find it, but when I looked around it was gone. I grabbed my backpack.

" Nope. " I said aloud.

" Nope, nope, neope, nope, nopeity nope, nope, nope. " With that, I opened the door and ran inside locking it behind me.

One ticket to FuckThisShitI'mOut City please?

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