Harsh truths

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Three Years Later...

So a giant has been stalking you for a couple years... Eh, I can cope. But finding that your BOYFRIEND was the one that brought it even closer to you?


Either way, I still love him. I mean, we've done so much for together in the past three years, it would be hard for me -and maybe for him- to just walk away from one another. We promised to stick together to get through this Hell that is life. Well, until we get bored of each other. I doubt it will happen, but, you never know. Speaking of which, I might as well feed him AND the brats to him myself. It sure as Hell won't be me.

I pulled my pillow from under my head, and pressed in on my face. I could hear a faint static building up in my ears.

I hated that sound. And that damn giant knew it to.

You wanna play the annoying game? I sat up, and grabbed my camera off my nightstand quickly walked over to the window.

let's Play.

I put the lens to my eye and my camera towards the forest. There it was. Hidden deep in the trees. It was a little difficult trying to tell it apart from the leaves and brush, but I managed. It stared straight back at me as if it it were daring me to take a picture. Challenge Accepted.


" Oh crap! " I almost dropped my camera. The pale whatever-it-was in the streets now. Its blank face glaring up at me, trying to burn a hole in my head.


Well would you look at that, he's left altogether. I put the camera on the windows sill, and looked out into the streets to see if the creature had really left. Shadows began o play at the corner of my eyes, as picked up the camera again. Maybe i'm not seeing something that camera can...


The last thing I remember before taking that picture, was a strange warmth behind me, before blacking out.

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