chapter 2- seeing the new boy

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Nialls POV:

Walking through the school gates, I spat my chewing gum out. I looked around to see if I could see Zayn and Louis and, of course, they were smoking by the bike sheds. I walked over, getting my own cigarette out. 'Sup Niall' Zayn said, lighting another cigarette. 'Hey' I mumbled. I looked at Louis and he was looking at car that was obviously new and fresh. 'Louis, for fuck sake mate stop staring' I hissed. He looked at me and laughed. 'You see that car, that's the new kids car' he said, pointing at a red soft top. I had to admit, it was one amazing car. 'Another new kid?' I groaned, putting my cigarette in my mouth and lighting it. 'Yeah, his names Harry' Zayn said, putting his now used cigarette on the floor. My eyes widened and Louis laughed at me. 'Just because he's a boy doesn't mean he's gay Nialler' he laughed. I turned to face him. 'Shut up you twat' I growled, hitting his arm. Louis laughed again and grabbed his bag. 'guys, first period' Louis said. I groaned again and grabbed my bag. 'Zayn, hurry up' I said, walking to class.

I walked into Science, along with Louis and Zayn behind me. Our teacher, Mrs Adams, tutted when she saw us. 'Late again boys' she said, writing our names down on the board. I rolled my eyes and sat down. I got my books out and my pen and turned around to Zayn. 'Science is shit' I mumbled. He nodded in agreement. 'Hello Mrs Adams, we have a new student here, his name is Harry Styles and he has just moved here from Howden. He will be in your science classes. I will leave you to settle in Harry bye!' said the receptionist, leaving quickly. I turned back around to see the new boy. He had curly brown hair and green eyes. 'Wow' I whispered to myself. 'Harry, where would you like to sit?' Mrs Adam's asked him. He pointed to the back and made his way there. I smirked and turned to Zayn. 'He's a shy one' I chuckled. He nodded and looked over at Harry. 'He's obviously a good two shoes' he said. I rolled my eyes and turned around. 'I can change that' I whispered to myself, smirking again.

*Discontinued* Falling in love with the bad boy of Cheshire (narry)Where stories live. Discover now