'Alright, Aries, Gemini and the boys are at the third floor, so I guess it comes down to us and Virgo,' I said while we got dressed and walked up to apartment 24, where our optimism got another negative boost.

'"Hello whoever needs my help, I'm at the supermarket buying cereal and stuff. Back to available in half an hour ~ Virgo". Great, now what?' Cancer sighed, but I frowned when I realized something. 'Isn't the store closed on Sunday's?' I asked her, but Cancer shook her head. 'No, but we're only open in the morning. Am I glad I don't have to work today!'

'Why, because Virgo is there?' I laughed and walked back to the apartment. To my surprise, Cancer didn't walk with me. 'No, because Sunday's are usually a great opportunity to check up with everyone else here. Now, I can skip Aquarius and Capricorn, I don't think Aries is in the mood, I've spoken to you already, and I'm not up to go all the way down to the third floor. And Leo...' 'I see, you're just bored, aren't you?' I smiled at her, and grabbed her arm, pulling her with me to the stairs. 'Well, I can fix that. Let's go help Aries find some stuff to block Furface's door with.'

My solution to Cancer's boredom wasn't just something I made up that instant; it was a solution that was used all around the apartments. Whenever you were angry, or pissed, or sad, you'd go downstairs and sob for a while, then gather things for Aries to put in front of Leo's door when she'd be annoying again. Or at least, that's what you'd do if you were on the Aries-side in their conflict, everyone on the Leo-side – Leo herself and Aquarius, neither came down a lot – would just hide all that stuff again.

As information, the third floor wasn't just a floor where you would find only broken stuff. A lot of old stuff Aries had broken was now located in the apartments; you could find our first couch there, together with some broken chairs and even an old working fridge, which we actually didn't have to throw away. Virgo managed to repair it later on, and now it was used for cold drinks and stuff from Leo only.

This was all set in apartment 21, the last apartment in the hallway on the third floor. But, as I said, the third floor wasn't just any kind of deserted place. It was like the residents had left it without bothering to take their stuff, because we often found things that hadn't been ours. If it was made out of wood, Aries would borrow Capricorn's axe – no, it wasn't his, it was his dad's – and cut it in big pieces, big enough to block Leo's door with. But there was no need to find something new made of wood, because when Cancer and I got on the third floor, there already was a big pile of pieces of wood.

'And you're going to do what with those?' Libra asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice. 'Block Furface's door,' Aries said, nonchalant as ever, when she nodded towards me and Cancer. 'Ah – you're here too. Great, come and lend me a hand with these.'

I flashed Cancer a smile and she smiled back, while we, under Libra's frowning expression, lifted some wood together and walked back up to the stairs. From the voices behind us, I could tell Gemini was following us, and I think Taurus and Sag came up too.

And indeed; once upstairs everyone had brought up some wood, except Libra, who was still shaking his head to this. 'I can't believe you're doing this... is this the chaos everyone has told me about?'

'Chaos? No way! More like a once-a-month thing. Now, where's my nails and hammer?' responded Aries and started to make her way back to our apartment, while Taurus and Sag moved the wood a bit more to apartment 27, both with big smirks.

Libra moved over to Gem: 'So, she's actually serious about this?' 'Of course she is! Blocking Furface inside is one of her favorite hobbies! And one of our favorite hobbies is to watch her do so, right Pisces, Cancer?' Cancer and I nodded innocently, while Gemini just kept talking: 'But, we also have other hobbies, you know. We sometimes play American football, or soccer, and of course none of us is too old for a good game of tag. And, another once-a-month thingy, we have a Mario Kart contest! Mostly just me, Aries, Capricorn and Virgo, but there are also times when Cancer or Pisces feels like joining in.'

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