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The maids dragged Ciel into a long hall with lots of large doors. The hall was decorated with blue vases that had white roses inside. The walls had a baby blue color tint to it and beautiful paintings were hanged on it. Ciel wished he could stay to look more at the paintings but the maids kept on dragging him. He only glanced at them for a second before being dragged farther down the hall. It made Ciel bit down a annoyed groan. He was irritated at the situation and he was in and was mad at himself because he couldn't do anything about it. He felt weak. They stopped in front of a large door that had a glass knob that was shaped into a Diamond. One of the maids grabbed it and twisted it and let the large door swing open. Ciel's breath caught in his throat as he stared in awe at the room. A large door that lead out to a balcony was open letting wind and sunlight in, making the room warm. Ciel drank in all the decorations of the room. A diamond chandelier dangled in the middle of the room. The hard wood floor felt cold under Ciel's feet. He looked around the room to see a king size bed with golden and white color silk sheets. A drape hung around the bed,  held back by rope. He looked over at a mirror that was bigger than him. There was a table in front of it that had different trinkets and bowls. The maids didn't catch a breathe before dragging him again towards another set of large doors in the back of the room. They opened it to reveal white tile floor and a large tub in the middle. The toilet was on the other side of the room and a sink sat in the front with a large mirror and 2 Windows on the side of the mirror. The maids closed the door behind Ciel and began ripping Ciel's clothes off. Ciel fought back but lost when they just decided to rip the dress in half. Ciel felt expose and blushed. The maids didn't show an emotion but ripped his hands away from his bare chest and continued to take the rags off him. The other maid walked over to the tub and filled the tub with the 3 buckets that sat beside it. She ran a hand inside to feel the tub water. She nodded and motioned Ciel over. He hesitated but slowly walked over. He put one foot in and then another. He sat down and held his chest again. The maids began laughing. "What is wrong with you?" One said with a thick accent. "Has no one ever seen you naked before? I mean we are all girls here." Ciel screamed inside with irritation. No he wasn't a girl and it annoyed him because he couldn't say he wasn't with out being called crazy. One maid brought over a bowl with rags and some kind of liquid. She wet the rag in the liquid and began rubbing over Ciel's back. "So where are you from?" She asked as she pushed Ciel's arm up. Ciel hesitated but let her move his arm. He hated the feeling of being exposed to some stranger. He started thinking of where he could say he's from but he didn't know any of their kingdoms names. "You won't tell us then?" Ciel just stayed quiet and looked down. "Alright fine keep it to yourself.. But do tell us. How did you meet the prince?" Ciel looked up immediately and started feeling his cheeks warm up. "Curse my body." He mumbled under his breath. "Come on at least tell us about that." The other maid said as she started cleaning Ciel's legs. "Uh.. Um.. He found me sleeping in one of his private beaches." They both gasped. "Are you serious? Did you not know those beaches are restricted areas? No one. Not even his parents are allowed on them. Except some of his men and I'm guessing you." Ciel looked up as soon as she said his parents. "I have a question." "What is it?" "His parents.. He has really dark hair and his father ha-." The nurse put the rag on his mouth and shook her head. "I'm sorry I cannot answer what you're going to ask. And don't bother asking anyone else. We cannot ask nor talk about it so please drop the situation concerning the prince and his parents." Ciel was surprised at her reaction but decided to go with her wishes. But still. It was weird. Why can no one ask?


Im super sorry I haven't posted. I'll try my best to post the next chapter as soon as I can . Thank you for the support!💗

King To The Throne.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang