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"I thought I forbid you from getting close to the coast lines!" Current King of Londeria Vincent Phantomhive, and father to Prince Ciel Phantomhive yelled causing the whole throne room to shake. Ciel looked at his fathers brown eyes that glared at him. "You did but, father I was curious." He sighted as he looked away from his gaze. "You could have gotten captured! Or worse killed! Do you have any idea how much this kingdom will need you.?!" His father yelled yet again. "That's all you care about don't you? About your son being perfect and being the perfect King to rule over this kingdom is it not? You don't care about loosing me in any fatherly way. No of course not!" Ciel said as he lost his temper. "I do care! You're my son! But this kingdom will need you! I don't need you rebellion and putting your life at risk just because you were curious!" He said as he slammed his fist on the side of his throne. "This is the last time I'm telling you. Stay away from the sea shore and away from people or you're never stepping outside this castle. Tomorrow is your 16th birthday and your coronation as the new king of Londeria. I expect you to be there and ready. You will accept that crown and be the new ruler of Londeria. Go to bed. You'll have to wake up bright and early." He ordered as he got up and waved his green scaled tail and swam away from a stunned Ciel. "Yea like I can 'step' out." He sarcastically said but to his luck his father was out of earshot. His 16th birthday was to be celebrated tomorrow along with his coronation as King of Londeria. He knew if he didn't attend to it or were late to it. He wouldn't hear the end of it. He'd seen his father mad before but this was a different anger his father had. He loved exploring the sea. Finding new things. Learning new things. Seeing new things. His father didn't understand that. He never did. Finally after thinking to himself Ciel swam out the throne room with his Cerulean colored scaled tail. He swam down the hallway towards his room. Once he reached it. He opened the doors and closed them behind him once he entered. He swam towards the room window and looked out to see a city full of light. "I'll be ruling this tomorrow mom." He whispered to himself. It'd been 8 years since his mother was ripped away from him. She was curious just as Ciel but curiosity got the better of her as she approached the sea line and got captured by humans. They never heard from her again. Ciel's father assumed she died as they never saw her ever again. Ciel should be scared, mad, sad, over it but he was still curios about it. He loved seeing humans walking along the shore. It made him happy in a way. He always dreamed of getting legs and walking along the sandy floor. Finally after finishing daydreaming he swam to his bed and laid down. He closed his turquoise eyes and slowly drifted to a peaceful slumber.

I know I deleted my other Sebaciel Fanfiction and I feel so bad >.< some people were into it and I don't now I wasn't feeling it anymore. Again I'm super sorry. Hopefully this mermaid au story makes it up (;. I probably won't have a specific date for the next chapter so bare with me. Vote and comment please (; show appreciation and support.!
- Author (:

King To The Throne.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora