Town market.

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Walking along the shore, Ciel held his chest and tried not to open his legs alot when walking. "Lau do you think you can find me something to wear so i am not in the nude?" He said blushing slightly. "Ah yes i will see to it." "Thank you Lau." He nodded and flew as Ciel watched. Ciel sat down near a rock and tried his best to hide everything there was to hide. He started thinking back to what his dad said to him earlier that day. It seemed as it happened long ago. Ciel looked at his milky white legs and sighted. "I've always wanted this but somehow I'm not enjoying it like I thought I would." He thought as he placed his head on his legs. "Young prince!!!" Lau screeched as he flew down with a cloth in his beak. "Lau! What happened." Ciel asked startled. "I had to steal this and I almost got shot doing so." He panted as he sat down the clothing. Ciel apologized as he picked the clothes up. "What the.. Lau!! This is woman's clothes!" He said as he remembered girls walking along the shore when he watched from a distance. "Well if I get you a normal shirt and trousers your breasts would give you away." Lau sneered as Ciel rolled his eyes. "I do not understand how girls can handle such weight." Ciel sighted as he hid them. "Get me boy clothes!" He demanded at Lau but Lau shook his head. "Prince. You need to look like a woman. We don't need people growing suspicious of you. It is not normal for a woman to be dressing like a man. Plus you do not own anything to the point anyone can confirm who you are. So we might as well blend in plus you have pretty long hair. And well features of a girl so.... You'll fit right in as a woman." Lau finished saying as he turned so Ciel could dress. Ciel glared at him when he mentioned his looks and hair but knew he was right and he decided to cooperate. Once he finished putting it on he groaned. "Why does it have to be white?! I look girly." He whined as he sat down. "Well you are a woma-." Lau turned to look at him but Ciel threw a glare at him making him shut his beak and turn back around. "Any ways... Don't you want to explore the town?" Ciel's eyes lid up and he stood up quickly. "Let's get going!!!" He said as he started 'running' He fell face first again on the sand. "Oh young prince do take your time." Lau said as he shook his head. "Shut up you bloody bird." Ciel barked as he stood up carefully. Once he caught his balance he started running again. "Let's get going." Ciel said as he walked. "What about your eye young prince?" Lau asked as he flew behind him. "Oh right..." He moved his hair around where it hid his eye. "Is that okay?" Lau nodded and continue flying.


Ciel's eyes gleamed at the sight of what Lau called the towns market place. Ciel watched as people bought and ate the fruit and food. He walked around smelling and looking at what seemed delicious food. He walked by a woman selling some kind of sweet. Ciel smiled lightly at the old woman which made her heart warm. "Aren't you a beautiful young lady?" The old woman said to Ciel. He blushed at her comment and yelled internally. "I'm a boy." He said in his mind biting the inside of his cheek. "Why thank you." Ciel faked a smile. "You're a beautiful woman too miss." He complimented earning a small blush from the lady. "You're a sweet girl aren't you? How would you like some sweets?" She offered him a box of dozen chocolate covered strawberries. Ciel shook his head and declined. "I couldn't mam. I do not have any money on me right now." "Nonsense. It is a gift. Come on, take it girl." Ciel hesitated but grabbed the box. "Thank you mam." He smiled big. "You go on and enjoy those alright? I hope to see you again." The old woman smiled as she attended another customer. Ciel smiled lightly to himself and began walking away. "Lau I think I've had enough of the market today. Think we can go back to the beach?" He asked as he looked down at the box. Lau nodded and began flying, leading Ciel to the beach.


Do you guys like where I'm going with this story??
I love writing it and giving it my own twist! Please give me feed back.!! I'd love to hear it!
Leave support!!💕 -author

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