Hi, My Name Is Ronnie, and I'm An Addict

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Sorry I dont write much D: IM A TERRIBL MOTHER! I've negected my baby/story D: Sorry for the typos. My hands are shaky for no reason tonight, so there's bound to be alot of mistakes. I'll fix later! ~Jules

I opened my eyes. The walls were blue. What? The walls in my room are tan. Where the hell am I? Who's bed is this? Wait, I have an even better question. Who's house am I in?! I got up an I had a headache. My glasses were on the small table next to the alarm clock. It was already 10 pm. My mom is gonna kill me when I get home. I hear the drums being played down stairs, so I managed to awkwardly walk through the house. I made it down stairs, and I opened the door to the music. Immediately, I realized who's house this is, who's bed it was, and where I was at.

"I'm insane

I can feel it in my bones

coursing through my veins--'

They stopped when they noticed me standing there.

'The front door is in the oppisite direction. Dont forget to grab anythinng you left behind before you leave. Thanks for coming to the party!' The lead singer, Ronnie, must have said this a thousand times.

'Umm... I'm not quite here to ask about the front door. I was here to ask Derek were he put my skirt?' I said timidly.

Ryan giggled from behind the drums like a child.

'Ryan, if you weren't all the way over there, I'd kick your ass.' Derek said plainly. The whole band started to laugh. 'And, Alex and I weren't like that. Alex, Ron, Ryan, Ronnie, and Jacky. Guy, Alex.' I said hello quitely and kinda waved. In unison, they all said, 'Hello, Alex.' In the Im-about-to-fall-asleep tone. I laughed. 

'I'll go get that skirt.' Derek set his guitar down and left the room. None the less, I was following close behind him. 'Walk beside me, not behind me, dork.' I smiled. We went into his room, and I sat on the edge of his bed while he went though piles of clothes. Derek is obviously not a well organized person.

'What did it look like again?' He asked while throwing clothes everywhere.

'Black skirt with white crossbones on it.' I said as slow as possible. He glared at me and then smile. 'Why don't you just wear my shorts home, and when I find your skirt, we can trade? Deal?'

'Deal!' I said. I was trying so hard not to scream in excitement. The shorts. are so. COMFORTABLE! 'I'm only gonna bug you once more. Can ya drive me home, or let me borrow a phone charger. I can call a friend or something.'

'Looks like were taking my car!' He said without hesitation. He basically skipped to the door. It was kind of funny because he couldn't even skip in a sstraight line.

'I have a confession!' I announced, 'I, Alexandriea the Great, declare Derek Jones as the worst skipper in the history of skippers!' He laughed.

'I feel like my skipping has been judged!' He said with a fake hurt feeling.

'It has!' I was still in the 'declaring' voice. 'So, is this it?' He looked confused. 'Is this the last time were gonna hang out?' I asked timidly.

'Of course not. I hope not, at least.' He stopped in front of my house, and we quietly sat there avoiding eye contact. 'Text me if you ever want or need anything.' He said to me. I looked over at him.

'I guess I should probably get out of your car, so you can go practice.' I said trying to hold in the smile. Without further convversation, he stepped out of the car and ran around to open my car door. I thanked him, and he walked me up to my door step. He gave me a hug. 'Do you feel that?' I asked. He looked throughly confused. 'It's the heat waves of Hell coming from that door.' I whispered.He lost it laughing.

'You're such a dork. Text me whenever. I'll see ya!' He said. He walked back to his car and I slowly opened the door. Saturday meant everyone, Melica, Cassidy, and Greg, were home. I walked in the door, and saw Cassidy laying on the cough. She looked kinda pissed.

'So who did you go and sleep with?' The would slipped out of her mouth smoothly.

'Sorry, but the last time I checked, I'm 15. There's litterally no need to go off and sleep with people I barely know. Does that answer your question or are you too hard-headed to get what I'm saying?' Now, I was pissed. She just glared at me. I walked off to my room. When I passed Melica's room, the destinct smell of nail polish and hair spray about choked me. 

I plugged my phone on the charger. I really couldnt wait to tell Hazel what went on last night. I'm looking foward to her getting pissed about Cody the most. She has no self restraint when it comes to speaking her mind. My phone went to the lock screen, and I had a spam of messages. The majority of them were from Cody.

'Where are you?'

'Alex, where did you go?'

'I can't find you.'

'If you don't get your ass to the car by 10, I'm leaving you here.'


Those were just some of the texts lighting up on my screen. What is with him, lately? He's really off, if that's the word.

I had two texts from Hazel.

'Hows that party, chica? (;'

'Hey, Melica told me you didn't come home last night. Is everything alright?'

I texted Hazel back. 'Yeah. I just got caught up and spent the night there. I'm home. You gotta get over here. Talk time. NOW!'

I started chipping my nails as I waited. Hazel texted back 'Be there in 5.'

I really miss Derek...

This probably wasnt a really long one, but it's already 2 and I have a headache. I'll try to update more often, and at reasonable times xD Goodnight Swimmers (Like the new nickname :DD ?) ~Jules

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