Birthday Boy

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Rachel's P.O.V~

3 months into my pregnancy and I already want it out of me. My belly is growing and my hormones are going crazy. My first sonogram appointment is in a couple weeks.

But today is not about me it is about this handsome boy sleeping next to me. Today is his 26th birthday. I'm so excited to celebrate it with him for the first time.

It is also gonna be a good thing to let him have the spotlight for at least a day. With me being pregnant it has literally been all about me. I want to show my man that he is still important.

So wiggle out of his grasp and go down stairs and make him his favorite breakfast, which consists of waffles, eggs and bacon with a cup of coffee. I put everything on a tray and make my way back to our room.

I tip toe in and set the tray down on the table. I crawl back into bed and tap Finn until he wakes up.

"Finn wake up." I whisper very close to his ear.

"Mhmm?" He groans. Did I mention his morning voice is so sexy?

"It's time to wake up babe."

"No, sleepy time." He says grabbing me by my waist and nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

"But it's your birthday." I say kissing his forehead.

"And all I want for my birthday is 3 things, You, this baby and sleep. So by the looks of it I'm having a really good birthday." I laugh at how childish he is being.

"Wanna know another thing I know you would want?"

"What's that?"

"Food." I laugh and take the tray of the dresser and place it on his lap. "Happy Birthday baby!"

"Aww thank you babe." He leans up kissing me. "You're the best.

"Yeah, yeah. Enjoy. Today is all about you."

"How are you and baby this morning?" He asks taking a bite of his bacon.

"We are doing good." I smile at him.

Once he Finn had finished his breakfast we layed back down and had small talk. The whole time Finn was rubbing his hand on little belly. Oh how I loved when he did that.

Then he started roaming his hands to other places and he started kissing me and then he moved to my neck. I really wanted to but sadly I had to stop him.

"Babe you know I would love to do this but we really need to get dressed your mom is expecting us for dinner tonight."

"Can't we cancel?"

"No we can't, it's your birthday and your mom wants to see you."

"Fine but you owe me tonight." He smirked while getting out of bed.

"Don't worry tonight I am all yours." I say with a wink.

Once we have both showered Finn gets dressed in a light blue button up shirt with some dark wash jeans and some black shoes, he looked so handsome. While I slid into a white lacey dress. I was trying to enjoy my clothes while I could.

We get into the car and drive over to Burt and Carole's house. Finn thinks we are just having dinner with his parents but there is actually a surprise party waiting for him.

Finn's P.O.V~

We arrive at my mom and Burt's house and Rachel and I walk hand and hand up the walkway. I open the door and gesture for her to go first but she pushes me in instead. It's really dark in here but then someone turns on a light and everyone jumps out and screams,


"Aww you guys thanks. You didn't have to do this." I say with a wide grin on my face.

"Of course we did sweetie, besides it was all Rachel's idea." My mom says. I turn and look at Rachel.

"Did you really do all of this?"

"Yes, you deserve it." She said hugging me.

"You're the best. I love you." I say kissing her lips gently.

"I love you too." She replies while returning the kiss.

I had a great birthday!

At first we all just kind of visited which was good because I got to catch up with a lot of my old friends. Then we had my favorite dinner, chicken of course. After we had dessert and it was chocolate cake which is the bomb! And finally we did presents. I got a lot of nice gifts but my favorite was the gift I got from Rachel. She got me a really nice watch.

Once me and Rachel get home I thank her for the amazing birthday. And then she leads me up to the bedroom to give me my second birthday gift...

Anything Could HappenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin