The Date

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Finn's P.O.V~

Blanket? Check.

Food? Check?

Candles? Check.

Pillows? Check.

Beautiful date? Check but I need to go pick her up. It is 7:45 after all.

I plan on taking Rachel to this wide open field right outside of town. I know it doesn't sound special but there is more to it. I have a truck so I'm gonna put the tail gait down and put a crap load of pillows and blankets in it and then put some candles for lighting and then we will have a picnic and lay back and watch the stars.

I hope she likes it.

I pull up to her dads house and knock on the door. Her dads answer.

"Hey Finn."

"Hey Mr. Berries. I'm here to pick up Rachel."

"Yeah she will be right down. May I ask your intentions with our daughter?" They start busting up laughing as do I. "Just kidding son we know you are a good kid. Rachel is old enough to make her own decisions now just please don't break our little girls heart."

"I would never sir."

Just then Rachel comes down the stairs. And she looks so stunning.

"Hey ready to go?" She asks.

"Oh yeah. Let's go." I say getting a little torn from amazment.

"Night dads don't wait up. Love you."

And then we went to my truck. I went and held the door open for her.

"Thank you Finn."

"Anytime Rach." I say as I start driving.

"Still not gonna tell me where we are going?"


We have small talk while we drive and when we get there I tell her to wait in the car. That way I can get the back set up without her seeing.

"Is this the part where you kill me?"

"How did you figure out my plan?" We both laugh.

"Why are we in the middle of no where?"

"Because," I say as I take her hand and lead her out of the truck. "That way we have a better view of the stars."

She looks at the bed of the truck in aww.

"Finn this is amazing!" she smiles so big.

"You like it?"

"I love it."

We get situated in the back and I pull out the picnic basket.

"Are you hungry?"


"Good because I brought a ton of food." I stat pulling things out of the basket. " I have grapes, carrot sticks, strawberries, crackers, oreos, gummy bears, water, some weird green juice for you and a soda for me."

"Finn how did you know all this stuff was my favorite junk food?"

"I may or may not have asked your dads."

"Of course." She giggled.

"So Ms. Berry tell me abou yoursef." I say handing her some snacks.

"Well when I graduated I went to New York hoping to go to NYU but got weight listed. I wanted to major in fashion but that never happend. I ended up bartending while I was there. I finally got tired of it and came home."


"I know I have such an amazing failed life."

"No you don't. Things just don't always work out."

"Yeah. How about you huh?"

"I barley graduated high school. I lived with my mom until I was 21 embarassing right? But then she married Burt and he offered me a job. I earned some money so now I go to Ohio State and am woring on my teaching degree."


"Yeah. So see things will turn around for you."

"I think they already are." She said and smiled at me.

"So I'm assuming you don't have a boyfriend right?"

"No I don't. Love was never really my best interest either. I had one good boyfriend but you can see how that turned out considering we aren't together anymore."

"Well that guy is dumb letting a girl like you go."

She looks at me and smiles.

"Open." She says. Wait what?


"Open your mouth."

"Okay?" I do as I'm told.

She takes a grape and aims it at my mouth. She throws it and misses.

"Darn it!" she laughs.

"Ohhhh you missed!'' I laugh too.

"Like you could do any better Hudson." She smirks

"Open up Rach." She does and I aim the grape and make it in her mouth. "Oh yeah! Look who made it."

"Yeah yeah good job." She laughs and then grabs a handful of grapes and throws them at me.

"Hey that wasn't very nice."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

I smirk and go over to her and start tickling her. She is laughing so hard and her laugh is so adorable.

"Finn! Please! Please stop!"

"Okay fine." I say and move off of her.

She is still trying to catch her breath and once she does I realize that I am still on top of her. I look into her eyes and lean down and our lips touch just barley...


Hey guys! So longish chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying this story. Comment and Vote if you want! Also feel free to message me anytime if you'd like :)

~ Cortney ❤

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