I Love You

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3 Months Later...

Finn's P.O.V~

Best 3 months of my life! And all because this beautiful woman came into my life.

"Luggnut." She hands me it. "Rench." Again she hands me it. "Thanks for helping me out babe."

"Anytime my little grease monkey." I lean down and kiss her only to have the moment ruined by Burt.

"Quit making out in the shop."

"I should probably go before I get you in trouble." She says.

"No, don't leave me." I whine.

"I'm still spending the night tonight so you can see me then." She kisses me and smirks then walks away.

I love this girl so much... Wait, what did I just say? I love her? I do. I love Rachel! I'm gonna tell her tonight. Hopefull she doesn't get freaked out... I'm also gonna ask her another thing that is totally gonna take our relationship to the next level. I just hope she says yes.

~Fast Forward To That Night~

"Hello my beauiful girlfriend who should know by now just to walk in and not knock." I say greeting Rachel at the door.

"Hello my handsome boyfriend who knows I respect peoples privacy therefore I knock." She says back sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah." I pull her in for a kiss. Sadly she pulls away.

"What did you have planned for tonight?"

"You." I smirk at her.

"Really Finn?" She rolls her eyes playfully.

"No, that's part of it but not all of it."

"What's the other part?"

"So many questions. Wait and see my love."

I lead her into the living room and on the couch I have a basket that has Funny Girl, a razor, shampoo and conditioner, lotion, a tooth brush, and a comb in it.

"What is this for Finn?"

"It's kinda my way of asking if you would like to move in with me?"


"You don't want to? It's too soon, I know I shouldn't have asked..."

"No Finn I would love to live here with you. I was just shocked that you want to live with me. I mean it is a big comitment."

"I know it is and I'm ready to make it because I love you."


"I know we haven't known each other for very long but I know you're something special and I do, I do love you Rachel."

"I love you too Finn." She says.

And that moment was one of the happiest because the girl I love, loves me back. And now she is gonna live with me. It can't get any better than this.

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