Telling Everyone

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Rachel's P.O.V~

I wake up the next morning spooned up against Finn with his arm draped over my side and his hand caressing my belly.

"You know i'm not showing yet right?" I laugh at him.

"Yes, but still I know he or she is in there." He smiles.

"What do you want it to be?" I ask him.

"I'd be happy with either but to be honest I really want a girl." He says shyly.


"Yeah, why do you sound so shocked?"

"I thought you would have wanted a little you running around."

"I will be happy either way but I just like the idea of having a daughter that will look just like you." I kiss him softly.

"Well depending on how this baby goes maybe we can try for another and get a boy and a girl."

"I would love that."


"Are you excited?''

"Yes. I'm very nervous but I am excited. How about you?''

"I can't even put in words how excited I am."

"Finn, how are we gonna tell our parents?"

"We can invite them over for a dinner and then maybe just come out and say it. I mean how else can we do it?"

"Yeah I guess that would work."

"Great so I will call everyone and we have the dinner, tonight at 7?''

Yeah that's fine." I say with shakiness in my voice.

"Babe don't be nervous everything is going to be fine." He says reasuringly while kissing the top of my head.

~At The Dinner~

"Finn, Rachel thank you for inviting us over." My dad says.

"Yes and the chicken is delicious." Carole says.

"Uh mom, Burt, Mr. Berries, we have something we would like to tell you." Finn says nervously. evryone is staring silently waiting for it.

"Well there is no easy way to say this so I'm pregnant." I say looking down. Finn grabs my hand.

"I'm gonna be a grandma!" Carole shouts happily. Okay yay she isn't mad.

"Our baby is having her own baby Hiram." My dad cries but I think is a good thing.

Overall everyone was pretty excited and not at all mad like I thought they would be. The rest of the night consisted of baby names and nursery decorations and stuff like that.

The more we talked about it the more excited I became. Of course I am a little nervous but why should I be? Finn and I created a life together. Finn is amazing and I know he will be a great father so there is nothing I need to be worried about.

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