Home Sweet Home

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Rachel P.O.V~

Life sucks. I left home right after graduation with so much certainty thinking I would never look back. Boy was I wrong. New York was amazing. That's an opinion. It was always my dream to move there and become a successful fashion designer. I love fashion. It's a way to express yourself and to not care about anyone else's opinion. I had a great plan. Graduate with a 4.0, move to New York and go to NYU, major in fashion then get a job and settle down. Well turns out even though my grades were exceptional I didn't meet all the requirements and was weight listed. And yet I still went. I went to New York and thought maybe I could be an intern or something. Yeah, that didn't work out either.

I took this as a sign. Not all dreams are meant to come true. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. So I'm going back to my roots. Lima Ohio.

Maybe my destiny is here. Doubtful.

I haven't had a boyfriend since forever. And the guy I thought was the one i guess wasn't. His name was Luke. I met him while I was bartending. He was attractive, blonde hair and blue eyes. Not really my type but still mighty fine. But one day I woke up and he was gone. All of his stuff was out of the apartment and I never heard from him again. I guess you could say my luck with guys is about as good as with college.

I hope going home gives me a fresh start. My dad's say that I can still live with them while I am trying to get back on my feet. And Mrs. Lavender offered me a job waitressing at her little diner. So I'm hoping that life with turn around.


What the hell was that?

I pull over to the side of the road and get out of the car. Are you kidding me? My tire is blown! Whatever I will just call roadside assistance!

Okay I lied maybe my life is still going to suck.


Finn's P.O.V~

After highschool I thought life was over for me. I was a stud and didn't pay much attention to studies or stuff like that. I didn't go to college because I thought I was to dumb. And I still lived at home. But then my mom met this awesome guy named Burt. They ended up getting married and I'm glad they did because he makes my mom happy. Anyway, he owns this tire shop and he offered me a job. It pays well and I can study at Ohio State for my teaching degree while doing it. And I finally moved out on my own.

Life is pretty good. The only thing really missing in my life is a girl. I'm 24 for goodness sakes. It's embarrassing. I want to settle down and have a family. I guess this is just punishment for me being a man whore in high school.

"Hey Finn!" Burt yelled from the garage.


"Could you please do me a favor?"

"Uh sure. What do you need?''

"There is someone who needs assistance on highway 140. Popped tire. Could you go and tow it?"

"Yeah. No problem, I'll be back soon.''

"Thanks! I owe you one kid!"

Don't get me wrong I love helping out Burt but I hate towing.You have to spend an awkward time with a random stranger in a car.

Oh well let's get this over with.

Anything Could HappenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora