Watch Your Back

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Rachel's P.O.V~



"What are you doing here?"

"I came here to see you."

"Why? And how did you even find me?''

"Because I want you back. Kate told me." Kate was my roomate back in New York.

"Lucas I hate to tell you this but I am taken, besides even if I weren't I wouldn't go back to you."

"Come on who could be better than me?" He was always cocky.

I'm about to respond but I feel yet another pair of hands wrap around my waist.

"Hey babe, everything okay over here?" Thank goodness it is Finn.

"Um yeah Finn, Lucas. Lucas meet my boyfriend Finn." I say confidentley.

"Wait this is your boyfriend?" Lucas laughs. "I was right no one is better than me."

"Oh really you think that you are better then me? Because I recall a certain dick that left Rachel in the middle of the night and never came back or tried to contact. So I think just about anyone could be better than you." Finn says. His confidence was actually really hot.

"Well you don't know what you are talking about and even if you did it is none of your business."

"Actually it is my buisness because she is my girlfriend. Just accept that she is never going to be with you. So could you please leave us alone now?" Finn says grabbing my hand.

"See I don't think I can do that. She was mine first."

"Okay asshole it doesn't matter who she was with first what matters is who she chose to be with. So stop talking about her like she is a fucking possesion. She is with me now deal with it." I loved how Finn was sticking up for me but his fists started clenching and he started cussing which I knew wasn't a good sign. Lucas was really pissing him off and it won't be long before he looses it.

"We will see who she ends up with." Lucas says and punches Finn in the jaw. Before Finn charges at him he slighlty shoves me out of the way so I don't get hurt.

Finn looks back at Lucas and starts beating the crap out of him. Finn hits him on his cheek and then again on his nose but before either of them could get another punch in security came and escorted both of them out of the club. I run over to the bar and grab Finn and I's belongings and then follow them out.

I hail a taxi cab for Finn and I and as we are about to drive off Lucas yells,

"Watch your back!"

~Back At Home~

Finn's P.O.V~

"Rachel I'm sorry." She has been giving me the silent treatment ever since we left the club. I know she is mad because I caused a big scene but come on this guy is an ass.

When we get home she takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom and motions for me to sit down on the toilet. She gets out the first aid kit from under the sinks and starts cleaning my busted up face.

"Oww!" I wince in pain from her dapping the alcohol on my face.

"Good it should hurt." She spits back.

"Rachel I told you I am sorry it wasn't my fault."

"You shouldn't have hit him."

"He hit me first!"

'You could have been the bigger person!"

"I was defending you!"

"I appreciate that but that was embarassing!"

"Your telling me that if some girl was hitting on me and she came up and bitch slapped you that you would simply walk away?" I say smiling at her.

"No..." She says trying to hide a blush.

"So please don't be mad I'm sorry."

"It's fine I forgive you." She says kissing my nose avoiding my bloddy lip. "Now lets finish cleaning you up."

After my face is fixed we decide to call it a night. As we lay in bed spooning I whisper,

"I will never let Lucas win you over me." Part of me was meaning in a joking way but the other half was being serious.

"I know. I would never leave you anyway you are stuck with me." To be honest I wouldn't mind that at all. Being stuck with Rachel sounded pretty good right about now.

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