Falling Fast

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Rachel's P.O.V~

Finn is leaning down and I move my head up to meet his lips halfway. His lips start moving insync with mine. His lips are so soft, his tongue grazes my bottom lip and odly enough I actually open up for him. I let out a light moan and feel him smile into the kiss. He pulls away and I'm a little dissapointed.

"I've never felt this way about anyone before." He says as he is staring into my eyes.

"I feel the same Finn."

"Is it to soon to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

"Finn, I, I really want to. The last guy screwed me over and I don't want to get heart broken again." I say letting a tear slip down my face.

"Rachel, I would never ever hurt you." He says wiping the tear away. "That guy is an idiot for letting such a beautiful and amazing girl like you go." He leans in and kisses me again. But this time it is soft and sweet.

"Okay." I say as I pull away.


"Okay I will be your girlfriend." I smile.

"Really?" He asked excitedly.

"Yes really." I pull him in for a hug. He hugs me tight and I smell his cologne. Damn he smells good. He pulls away and kisses me once again. We have a slight make out session but then he says,

"I should probably drive you back home Rach."

"We aren't staying here?"

"You want to sleep back here?"

"Of course. Sleeping under the stars is romantic." I say as I cuddle up in his chest.

He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I pecked his lips one last time and fell asleep knowing that Finn Hudson was now mine. And I couldn't be happier.

Finn's P.O.V~

The sun shines brightly in my face which causes me to wake up. I look down and see that Rachel is still in my arms. I smile. I notice a little scar on her forehead and I trace it with my thumb. My touch awakes her.

"Good morning." She says as I am still rubbing her head.

"Morning Rach. What happend?"

"Oh my head?" I nod. "A kid threw a tap shoe at me in dance class when I was 4."

"I'm sorry about that." I say kissing her scar.

"It was a long time ago but thank you." she says kissing my lips. She goes to pull away but I grab the back of her neck and keep kissing her. "Finn no... I have--" She moans. "I have to go to work soon."

"Yeah at 1:30. It is only 9:30."

"But I have to go home and clean up." She sits up and pecks my lips. "I'll make it up to you later." She winks.

"Okay fine." I surrender.

We fold up all the blankets and put the pillows back. On the drive home is the same as when we came although this time Rachel held my hand, which I absolutly loved.

I pulled into her driveway and walked her to her door. I kissed her and told her I would see her soon. I can't believe this amazing girl is all mine.

Rachel's P.O.V~

Last night was the best first date I could have imagined. Finn is so sweet and romantic and he is all mine. I love how he believes in me so much. He tells me that I can make all my dreams come true even if they didn't work out the first time.

I walk into the diner for my shift and see a big vase full of white roses on the counter. My favorite. There is a card in the flowers that says 'RACHEL' in big letters. I pick up the envelope and read the card. It says,

Have a great day at work beautiful. I will pick you up after your shift and we can go do something okay? Okay, see you soon. I hope you like the flowers!

~Love Finn.

He is such a cutie. I'm falling for this man, and I'm falling for him fast.

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