(Talia's POV)

I woke with a yawn, the blinding sun that peaked through the curtains let me know that I had overslept well through morning and into the afternoon. Rolling out of bed, I checked the couch, where Romeo had insisted on sleeping last night.

Not that I could expect him to sleep in bed with me. We hadn't put a label on our relationship as of yet, we were friends. Friends who not only kissed, but had made out for hours on the couch the previous night. I didn't know why we hadn't talked about it yet, other than the fact that we had been running around in a tornado of crazy since meeting. I knew I would be moving soon, so it was possibly a good thing that we hadn't dove into a relationship.

The couch was vacant of my non labeled friend, making me wonder how long he'd been awake. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I searched the apartment for Romeo, coming up vacant.

I was in the bathroom, my last place to look, when I heard the front door open.

It was either him or another psycho I'd have to deal with. Honestly, I couldn't handle any more crazy. I might just shoot whoever it is and be done with them. I need some peace for awhile, but this is the kind of life I lived when I was a wanted hacker to develop in the shadier ways of life.

I glanced out of the bathroom, spotted Romeo as he closed the door behind him, his hair hanging down in his face. It needed cut, but I wouldn't be the one to mention it to him. I'd offer sometime and see what he said, but the decision on his hair would be completely up to him. It was his hair, not mine, after all.

Romeo looked up, his teal eyes leaning towards the blue side, looking pure and kind as they met mine. His smile broadened automatically, but not in the falseness I was used to seeing from others, he was honest with his emotions, and right now he was genuinely thrilled to see me.

His eyes slowly took me in, before he strode towards me. His steps never faltered, showing how far he had come in the short time I had known him. Now that he had someone that understood him and didn't bully him about it, he was opening up and becoming the man he truly was on the inside.

A thought crossed my mind, would he have still been the same man if he'd had a different past. I didn't care for the answer. I was just glad to have him here now, even if it was for a short time.

Romeo bent his head down and kissed me, his lips pausing for a second after touching mine as he froze and stiffened. With a sigh, he relaxed, dropping the bag in his hand to the floor so he could cup my face.

I wondered what he was thinking in that moment of pause. Was he still second guessing himself? Was there something I could do to ease those worries?

His lips brushed across mine in a gentle caress, tantalizingly slow. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my doubts fleeing my mind. How could I move away, when I felt so right here with him? I pressed my lips harder against his, silently begging for more. His lips were warm and welcoming, shocking me awake better than any of the coffee concoctions I had drank in the past. He pulled back slowly, his breathing heavy as he broke the kiss for split second to suck in a breath. In that split second, I felt hollow. Then his lips were back on mine, molding against mine and moving in perfect harmony until our bodies were vibrating with energy.

Romeo stumbled suddenly, hitting the wall with his shoulder. Our lips broken apart as my eyes opened. He shifted, propping himself against the wall as we laughed, me giggling while he chuckled silently. Our foreheads pressed together, my heart swelling with the love I felt for him.

We caught our breath and Romeo slid the phone out of his pocket to send me a text. I knew he was saying how he felt, but it was also how I felt for him, but was unable to put into the same magical words he was able to. "Your kisses are electric. Every time my lips meet yours, I can feel the current flowing through me, filling me with a life I've never felt before. Without it, I'm lifeless. But with it, I'm alive."

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