- The March of the Exeggutor Squad: Misty becomes part of some show, and Ash says that she's wearing a cute outfit, causing Misty to blush. This might be something more on the side of being embarrassed, but Ash still complimented the outfit worn by Misty.

- Princess vs Princess: So...what's wrong with Misty wanting a picture with Fiorella, Ash? (Although we know that's not really the reason why she wanted to join the tournament.)

- Poke Ball Peril: Ah this one! Ash and Misty were caught by Team Rocket. Team Rocket notices Brock's absence. They call them 'lovebirds'. They deny it, but they were blushing. And Team Rocket notices the blushing.

- Navel Maneuvers: "I can see you're pretty close. What's that saying? 'You always hurt the one you love...'" – Danny. In that episode, Misty was kinda clingy on Danny, but Danny notices the nature of Ash and Misty's relationship.

- Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon: Tracey acknowledges that the relationship between the Nidoran trainers was similar with Ash and Misty. Ash also asked if people change when they get kissed. And Misty replied, "Guess we'll have to find out ourselves..." Whatcha tryna say here, Mist?

- Misty Meets Her Match: We were introduced with the guy I didn't like as a kid – Rudy. He wanted Misty to stay with him (and in the original, to marry him). Misty considered it, but in the end, she decided not to. She had a hard time cheering for Ash, but in the end, it was her who even motivated him to beat the heck out of Rudy. Rudy notices this and mutters, "She wants him."

- The Light Fantastic: A Nurse Joy says "What a little cutie!" Both Misty and Brock were shocked because they thought she was referring to Ash. She meant Pikachu.

- The Heartbreak of Brock: Misty says while talking to Ash, "You and I will be married someday too." This one is only in the dub, however. Also, when Misty was trying to push Brock into dating Temacu, she said, "Take it from me, it's a lot easier to like someone who likes you than to like someone who doesn't." Brock asks her how she knows that, and she says that's what she heard (she says this in a nervous tone).

- Love, Pokémon Style: Macy wants to take Ash out on a date. Misty stops her. Macy tells her not to interrupt in Ash's personal life since she's not Ash's girlfriend. If Misty didn't have feelings for Ash, she might have even encouraged Ash to go out with Macy. Just saying.

- Gotta Catch Ya Later!: Sad, emotional episode of the original gang splitting up. Misty gives Ash her handkerchief. Ash sees said handkerchief (together with Brock's lunch) and gets the strength to fight when Team Rocket got him in a pitfall. Misty also says (to herself) in this episode, "Well, Ash Ketchum, finally, I know how you feel about me." Also, in the Misty's Goodbye song, Brock and Tracey were not featured in the flashbacks. It was all ASH. I think this is only in the English dub, though.

- A Date With Delcatty: So...who is this someone else?

- The Princess and the Togepi: So...May and Max have heard a lot about Misty, ey.

- The Right Place and the Right Mime: Misty was chilling at the Ketchum residence just in time for Ash to arrive.

- Buizel Your Way Out of This: No one uses the Misty lure except Ash. That includes you, Dawn.

Hey...that's just the evidences in the anime! There's more! Here's the movie evidences!

- The Power of One: All of it. Misty gets jealous when Melody kissed Ash's cheek. Melody says that Misty should get used to Ash's stubbornness once they get married. "I'll go look for him. And Ash is never really alone because he's got...me." – Misty. JUST THIS WHOLE MOVIE IS A HINT.

- Pokémon Heroes: When Bianca/Latias kissed Ash's cheek, Misty got so shocked and jealous that she dropped Togepi. HER. PRECIOUS. LITTLE. TOGEPI.

- Jirachi: Wish Maker: Max got sad because Jirachi left, but Ash cheered him up by saying, "A good friend left me, and I miss her everyday. But I know we'll be friends forever." However, this is only in the English dub.

Wait...friends forever??? Friendzone much?

Never mind. That's just Ash being Ash.

I'm not even done with my hints.

Next, we have Pokémon Live! In this theatrical performance, Misty is CONFIRMED to have a crush on Ash. However, this whole thing isn't really related to anime canon because if it is, Giovanni would really be Ash's dad.

Wait...no. I don't know. Maybe? All I know is that it was said here that Giovanni and Delia used to date.

And finally, to wrap up the hints, we have the songs! These songs aren't just fanmade. These are OFFICIAL SONGS from official Pokémon albums.

- Misty's Song: This is Misty's love song for Ash. No need for further explanation.

- Pokémon Christmas Bash: In Misty's solo, she says that she wants a dance with Ash.

- Under the Mistletoe: A funny song of Ash and Misty and mistletoe.

- He Drives Me Crazy: Ash drives Misty crazy.

- It Take Two: Ash and Misty duet about teamwork.

However, all these songs are for the English dub only.

So yeah.


Of course, there would be some points against this ship.

Ash has met a LOT of people after Misty. Misty hasn't showed up in a while. Other girls have shown interest towards Ash.

I mean...the last time Misty was a main character in an episode was in the Mastermind of the Mirage Pokémon. That was the special for the 10th anniversary of Pokémon. We're already celebrating the 20 years of Pokémon.





The number of words for this part is just as a plenty as a normal part, perhaps even more.

So...what ship mentioned in this part is your favorite?

Why am I even asking that?

I know a lot of non-Pokeshippers read this book. And to those people, I hope you respect me shipping this because I'm totally cool with you people shipping them with someone else.

Again, it's all in a matter of opinion or maybe your favorite seasons of the anime.

So...that's it.

See ya in the next update!

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