"Do what?"Ken asked confused.

"We need to get N and Leo to the water."I said and they all smirk deviously before nodding.

"OKAY LET'S DO THIS!"Hongbin said and we all nodded.

We break the circle and immediately walk towards N.

Hongbin and Hyuk was behind Leo while me and Ken was infront of N.

"Hey Leo,can you take off those earphones please?"Hongbin asked Leo and he looked up to him while taking off his earbuds and put his phone aside.

"NOW HYUK NOW!"Hongbin shouted

"NOW RAVI NOW!"Ken shouted at the same time with Hongbin.

Together we lift N and Leo and throw them to the ocean.Both of them look at us,drench up to toe.

Both of them glare at us especially Leo.His glare is so scary until we all move back in fear.

He seems to notice us scared of him untik he relaxed his face a bit and sigh.

"Next time don't do that.If you really want me to swim,i will.You don't have to throw me."Leo said and we all nodded immediately because we were so scared just now.

"Don't be afraid of me."He whisper so softly that only me could heard him.I widen my eyes because that's not the typical Leo we know.

"Okay so because we are all wet now....let's just swim together."N said with a huge sigh while me,Hongbin,Hyuk and Ken just smirked.

Leo's POV

We all decided to play beach volley ball in the water,but suddenly Ken shouted,

"OKAY WE WILL PICK THE TEAMS NOW."I don't really care which team i'm in.

"OKAY SO THE CAPTAINS ARE ME AND HYUK!"Ken shouted and Hyuk immediately cheered.

5 Minutes Later


"Okay mine are Ravi and Leo."Ken said.

Ravi reach for a high five with me and Ken,Ken of course,returned it,while me myself,i just reply it with no energy at all,which caused Ravi and Ken to frown a bit at me.

Am i really that scary?I frown a bit to myself because i really don't know anything about friends because i never have one.

"Are you not comfortable with us Leo?"Ken asked me.

"You could switch teams with Hongbin so you would be with N if you want...."Ravi said and i frown at him.

I feel perfectly normal with them,what makes them say that?

"No.I'm alright...."I said softly.

"Okay....if you say so."Ravi said and Ken nodded.

"OKAY GUYS LET'S GET STARTED."Hongbin shouted and we all nodded.

Soon the game starts with my team hitting the ball first.(I play volley but i'm not really good how to describe in words on how it work so fml)

Without i realize,N hit the ball and it landed straight to my face.I cringe my face a bit in pain.

It's not really hurt because usually in football,the ball is much harder then this so i'm fine.

"OMG I'M SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY LEO?"N shouted and immediately swim to me.

"Yeah i'm fine."I said softly.

"Are you sure?!"N asked me again and i nodded.

"Okay....if you say so..."N said and swim back to his position.

Well i'm planning to have a revenge to him.So just wait for it N.When Ravi just about to hit the ball,i asked him softly,

"Can i have the ball please?"I asked Ravi and he seemed shocked at first but he handed me the ball anyway.

What they all don't know is that,i'm really good at sports.I hit the ball as hard as i can and aim it to N,well not exactly him,but somewhere near him just to make him scared.

And i'm right,the ball land just beside N and N seemed scared while the rest just laugh so hard until their faces are red.

"Hey!You did that on purpose didn't you?"He pouted while I just smiled a bit at him which he immediately soften his gaze at me.

"Oh you're on Leo."He said and smirked whild i did the same.

So that's how the game was,Ken trying to take down Hyuk,Ravi did the same with Hongbin while me and N are doing the same thing and vice versa.

In the end,the scored are tie with 16-16.

"KIDS IT'S ALREADY 12 O CLOCK WE NEED TO GO NOW!"N shouted while they all groan but get up anyway.

"Awwwwwww not fair!"Hyuk said while pouting in the backseat of the car.

"Tell you what,tonight we are going to the cinemas.How does that sound?"N asked and they all immediately nodded.

"Hey Leo!Do you wanna join too?"Ken asked me and i shrug my shoulders.

"Are you guys comfortable with me?"I whisper and they all immediately gasp even N.

"Of course we are!What are you talking about?"N asked me and i shrug.

"Sure...if you want me to..."I said and they all immediately nodded.

"Oh by the way,how's your bruises?"Hongbin immediately asked and i tensed a bit.

Actually when we are playing,it hurts a lot.Like a lot,but it was really fun playing with friends so i try my best not the flinch and it works.

Wow.....friends.....it's been a long time since i said that word.

"Hey Hongbin....i think it's a sensitive topic for him....don't bring it up yeah?"Hyuk said to Hongbin and he immediately nodded.

"OKAY N OPEN THE RADIO!WE ARE GOING TO PARTTYYYYYY!!!!"Ravi shouted and N groan but open the radio loudly anyway.

So that's how it is until they reached the dorm,Ken,Hongbin,Hyuk and Ravi sing loudly to the radio,N drives while me myself thinking about the fun i haven't felt for years.


I will try my very fucking best to update today xx i love you guys xx

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