Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Oliver's POV

Axel was practically bouncing. 

"How much caffeine did you drink?" I asked him. His head turned to me, eyes wide and bright. 

"Huh? No caffeine, none at all!" 

Right. I believed that.

I turned to Van, raising an eyebrow innocently. He gave a little sigh and a 'beats-me' shrug of his shoulders. 

James was humming along to the radio as he drove the car, and Jayy sat silently in the passenger seat beside him. Van, Axel and I sat in the back, in that order from left to right. Axel was fidgety, hyper and even more annoying than usual.

I turned to look out the window, my overnight bag sitting on my lap. It was Thursday after school and I was going to stay the night at Axel's to work on our project. This was the biggest part of it, worth a fifth of our grade. It would only be another two or so weeks before we finish, and the deadline was two months away. That would be one problem solved.

Trees, grass, houses and stores passed by as James drove us down the main road. I finished school early on Thursdays, so I went home to pack my bag for the night and went back to school until they all finished. 

I made a mental list on what to do: first, when we got to Axel's home, I'd make a list on the things we needed to buy. I already had a rough idea, but this would make sure I wasn't missing anything. Then, we'd have to go get the things we needed. When we got home, we'd have to write up our hypothesis and procedure and then do the experiment, which would take a lot of time since we had to do every test three times, and each test took a lot of time and had to be done individually. After that we'd have to take pictures, clean everything up, write up our observations, analysis, report, and whatever else we had to do. We'd have to make a model and presentation of our results, but that could be done next week. 

So, I wasn't going over to spend time playing in Axel's pool or 'getting wet' for him, I wanted to get the project done. 

After a long while of listening to James blabber on about some gossip he heard at school and singing along to the radio, we reached Axel's place.

Axel was literally hopping as he got out of the car. I didn't understand why he was so hyper. What was he so excited about? Did he find another conquest at school, another hole to fuck, since he seemed to not care about the gender of those recently? His behaviour was strange and annoying. 

We entered the house and I looked around, hoping my favourite little one—Annabella—would be around. Unfortunately, she wasn't, and I let out a small sigh as I peeked behind corners in hopes she would be there.

"Annabella is with the other children," Van told me, watching me and realizing who I was looking for. "Aunty Cindy wanted her to interact with other children." 

So she forced Annabella to play with them? I tried not to frown. Not everybody was a social dog. Some people were independent cats. There was nothing wrong with it. At least Mrs. Reaper was making an effort, I supposed. If I saw Annabella, I'd be sure to rescue her.  

Axel and I made our way upstairs, obviously using the elevator, but when we exited the elevator James, Jayy and Van were already up there. 


How did they get up there faster than us? It wasn't just a floor or two, we're talking 12 flights of stairs here, how did they get up 12 flights of stairs faster than a super high tech elevator? 

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