}edited{ Chapter Twenty-Two || Poison?||

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{First published February 2016}
{Edited 6-17-2016}

You guys are awesome..just thought I'd tell ya.

|| Poison ? ||


I slowly come awake and froze. My eyes are still shut and I'm not moving, but there is this feeling like I'm being watched. Someone is in the room.

I recount what I did last night. I finally went to the grave yard, and I was wrapped up in Kayden's arms. It was such a good feeling having his arms around me.

After that, I came up to my room and took a hot bath. Then I went to bed. I can't remember whether I locked the door or not. Either way some one is in the room with me.

I can feel them. Their jittery-happy feelings flowing to me. I don't know who it could be.

It makes me uncomfortable knowing someone is in here just watching me sleep for who knows how long. I wish emotions came with a taste or smell something to identify the person.

My eyes open and I jerk back. "Cam."

I knew someone was there, but didn't realize how close. My eyes narrow as a smile breaks across Cameron's face.

He's laying beside me on his stomach, hands under his chin face turn towards me. It's a little strange.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you know you jerk around in your sleep?" Cameron says rolling over on his side.


We stare at each other. What could he possibly need? Why is he in my bed?

"Lets go eat breakfast." He says jumping up all of a sudden.

"I'll be there in a minute." I mumble.

He shrugs and leaves the room, gently shutting the door.

I roll over and groan into my pillow. I feel uneasy and stressed. I don't think I care for these feeling very much.

I roll out of bed going into the connecting bathroom.

My ice blue eyes no longer have that cold look. They look haunted now. Lost.

I splash cold water on my face waking me up more and brush out my long locks.

I dress in a plain black tee and light blue skinny jeans, slipping on my flip flops I leave the room.

I only make it a couple of inches outside the door when a surprised scream echoes out as I trip.

I land with a grunt. As an oof reaches my ears.

"Kayden?" My head tilts as I take in Kayden's rumpled form laying outside my door.

What's he doing sleeping outside of me door?

His tan skin gets a hint of red to it. He's embarrassed.

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