{edited}Chapter Six||Drift||

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  {First published November 2015}
{Edited 6-14-2016}

Dedicated  to all of you star givers. You make my world go around. :)


It's dark here. Wherever here is. But peaceful. Oh so peaceful and quite.

My body is still humming from the black ribbons. I never knew that I could absorb them. That they were more than what I thought they were. Visions of people's emotions.

That there was a reason for seeing them. It makes me feel less like a freak and more human knowing that the ribbons have some kind of purpose. What I don't know?

God the pain though. It was intensely painful. I'm sure more than one bone broke in the process. But the pleasure.

It was something else entirely. I'd endure a thousand broken bones for just a hint of that pleasure. Not only was it emotionally and physically but it seemed to feed me. Fill me up from my toes to my head.

I still don't know where I am. It seems like I've walked for hours. Nothing but pitch black in front of me. So dark I can't even see any part of my body.

A smile graces my lips as an aftershock of that pleasure rolls through my body. God it feels good. Addicting.

I feel free. If that makes any sense. I was constantly on guard. Always aware of my steel walls that lock out everything. Making sure they stay strong. I'm not now.

I'm a drift in this darkness. I should feel terrified but I'm not. I feel at home. I feel free. Finally free from everything. I never what to leave this dark world.

Maybe I'm dead?

It could be a possibility. Maybe this freeing dark is my heaven. It would make sense in a way. And could be why I haven't ran across any people with their wall shattering touches.

It would make it an almost perfect heaven for me. Only one thing is missing. Daddy.

If this was my dark heaven he would be here with me. Then everything would be right in my world.

But he's not here. Making me think I'm in my own mind or somewhere else entirely. Oh and the tingles. Those damn feel good tingles that run across my skin when ever Kayden is near. Those definitely wouldn't be apart of my heaven. My body pluses with them.

My legs are tired and there's no end to this darkness. I lay down and curl into a ball. It's comforting. Much better than walking when there's no end in sight.

Kayden is moving away. The tingles aren't as strong. Once he completely leaves I can relax more. My body at rest. Possible drift away in the dark. I could do that. Nothing is really keeping me here. I've lost all that matters to me.

It makes me happy thinking about drifting away.  Like a feather on the wind. Nothing to worry about.

An electrical jolt runs throughout my body. Stronger than the pleasure that the black ribbons brought me.

I concentrate on the electric. The more I focus on it the more it feels like Kayden.

What is he doing to me?

My head shakes. No. I don't want this. This feeling coursing through my blood. My very soul.

Make it stop. Make him stop. I just want to drift. Drift away in my dark world.

I gasp and grab at my chest. It feels like my heart was trying to rip its way out of my body at the thought of leaving. Of leaving Kayden.

Leave me alone! Go away.

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