{Edited} Chapter 7 ||A Link ||

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{First published November 2015}
{Edited 6-15-2016}
Dedicated to LunaJhada   For pointing out my so many spelling mistakes. :) Thanks so much for the help and all your votes :)

|| A Link ||


It seems like days but really only minutes when Kayden senses his brother, Jeff, and Shelly.

He raises his head up watching them as they run down the beach.

He's on his feet in seconds, moving away from Avery's side. A fierce growl rings out loud.

It stops the others from coming to close to what is his to protect.


Just the thought of what she's going through has him wanting to drop to his knees. A quick glance over his shoulder shows no improvement to whatever the hell is going on with her. It causes his wolf to stretch, push at him. His skin ripples and rolls but he holds it together. Being more animal than man won't help her. Not now anyways.

"Kayden." Jeff says calmly, both hands raised in the air,"You have to let us get close. We need to figure out what is going on."

Another growl rips from Kayden's chest, but he moves back to Avery's side, giving Jeff a nod. Not really able to say now to his Alpha.

Kayden watches the three like the predator that he is. His wolf riding him hard.

"What happened?" Jeff asks looking over Avery's still body.

Cameron goes on to explain what went on with Avery. Kayden barley listening. His full attention on the girl he only met today, but means everything to him.

"I don't know?" Shelly says timidly, not getting to close.

"Don't know what?" Kayden snaps.

"What's wrong with her. This is entirely new. She's entirely new breed. I don't know how to fix it."

Kayden doesn't like that. Not one damn bit. He starts to pace back and forth, never straying to far from Avery.

What to do? It's driving him mad. There has to be something. It can't end before it even began.

He stops, whips around towards the others. "What if I bond us together. Could that work?"

"What!"Cam yells.

Shelly looks hopefully, Jeff worried.

"Could it work?" He moves closer yet. Almost on top of Avery's prone body.

"If you have the connection, but you just met her Kayden. How could you know?" Jeff asks crossing his arms, "That's why I wanted you four to spent time with her, its to soon to know if one of you could possibly bond with her."

Yeah, Kayden just met her. But she's it. The part of himself he's been searching for. What every wolf searches for. Their life mate. He knew as soon as he felt her cross into their lands. Something just clicked deep inside his self and his wolf half. There is no mistaking that unbreakable connection.

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