Tingles|Chapter Two {edited}

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Dedicated to AleckIsALlama and YooJin-Lee  You guys said you love this book. Thanks so much for the comments and votes.

{First publish November 2015}
{Edited 6-14-2015}

{ Avery }

When we pull up to the airport, I look around. It's small. I've never been on a plane or even in an airport before but I thought it would be bigger. More people. It's a small parking lot with only one other car beside ours. The airport building its self is also tiny, a one floor brick building that looks like it holds a room or possibly two. I've seen houses bigger than this. Behind the building is  a giant steel hanger I assume holds the plane.

"It's a private flight." Jeff says seemingly to know what I was thinking.

No people. Well at least no extras. I slip out of the car and wait for Jeff. He pulls his bags from the trunk, setting them on the hood of the car. His head is turned down, eyes shut. He releases a deep sigh riddled with sadness. He face comes up, eyes flicking around me. Looking, but not really. Somethings bothering him.

The rattle of pills inside a bottle grabs my attention. "I don't want to do this to you Avery, but the doctors though it best." There's a slight pause, "It's sleeping pills. They.",he jesters to his self, "We didn't want you to." He stops tiring to find the right words. I save him the trouble.

"You don't want me to freak." I say plainly.

He nods. And I hold out my hand. Two little blue pills fall on the palm of my hand. Is amazing really how two small little pills could do such damage. I toss them back with out water. Watching light blue and a dark red flutter around Jeff. He's upset and angry.

The ribbons disappear as we step through the automatic glass doors leading to the airport.  A gust of stale cool air swipes us in the face. There's not much here. A waiting area with dark blue chairs. A small cafe and a check in desk. That's it. Sorta of small right?

There's a lanky man behind the desk. He scrambles to his feet when his beady eyes land on  Jeff. "Mr. Blackwell." The man inclines his head and I watch  the frenzy of light  green ribbons surround the old mans body. He's afraid. Terribly so.

I don't hear what's being said. My eyes are dropping. My body is getting heavier and heavier by the seconds.  I start to lean off to the side. I don't want to hit the hard floor. "Jeff." My voice comes out as a whisper. I hear a "Damn." Then the little blue pills take me away.


I wake up slowly. Feeling cool leather under my hands. I wiggle my toes and fingers. Crack my neck. Nothing hurts. Jeff must of caught me in time.

"Ah. Bout time." Jeff's voice floats to my ears prompting me to open my eyes. "We're almost there."

I look around. We're in some type of SUV. It's done in black and silver. Has one of those touch screen in place of a normal radio. It's ridiculous if you ask me.

I look out the window and see trees. And more trees. And gravel. I'm in the middle of no where.

We come to a stop in front of a tall black iron gate, at least eight feet tall. I look left and right. It extends into a fence on either side going further than I can see. Another cage. Is it to keep people in or out?

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