Chapter 14: The Past.

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Previously on CAGED:

I coughed awkwardly as he turned around.

''Ah! Y/n, this is my niece Jamie. Jamie this is the patient Y/n.''

I stared at the girl in horror but something scared me the most.

The smirk on her face.


Dr. Andrew was giving us a confused expression before his eyes traveled to Lauren.

''Wait... isn't that your girlfriend Jamie?'' He asked turning to the smaller girl.

Jamie nodded before she walked closer to me.

''But this monster stole her from me.'' I growled knowing it was partly her fault I was like this. Lauren laid her hand on my shoulder calming me down.

''For your information Jamie, me and a couple of other scientist made her like this.'' Wow, okay. Dr. Andrew was on my side.

''What the hell? Aren't you supposed to be on my side?'' Jamie was now really mad and not in the mood to even look annoyed.

''Well, yeah. But don't call her a monster.'' Dr. Andrew smiled at me before sitting down behind a desk and asking Lauren and Jamie to leave the room. I did ask to have Lauren beside me but he wouldn't let me. It worried me to have Lauren and Jamie both alone and somewhere I wasn't but I knew Dinah would keep an eye at them. Dr. Andrew told me to sit down, which I did.

''So, I'm sorry Y/n that you have to live this way.'' He started. I sighed knowing it was just an experiment, I didn't hold it against them.

''Dr. It's fine really.'' A small smile made its way onto his face as he played with his fingers.

''Okay, so the injection I will be giving you will leave you quite drugged for two hours, after that you will experience some headaches and some extreme hormones, but after all that everything will be fine and your powers will be gone.''

I nodded understanding everything. I was kind of scared it wouldn't work but you know I trust him.

He stood up and searched through some desk before putting his hands in his semi-grey hair.

''Is something wrong?'' I asked raising my eyebrow at the middle-aged man who was semi freaking out.

''Jamie took the injection, she put it somewhere I can't find it.'' I sighed deeply before walking out of the room revealing four girls with mad expressions and no Jamie.

''Girls, what happened?'' They all turned to me and sighed in unison.

''Jamie asked Lauren to go somewhere and she went.'' Normani explained running her hand through her hair.

''I think Jamie said the roof or something.'' I nodded at the short girl before taking off to the roof.

I could hear some voices on the roof when I got closer but I couldn't really make out what they said.

''What do you want Jamie?'' Lauren, she was annoyed because she wanted to know why she was here.

''Yeah Jamie, what do you want from her?'' I asked opening the metal door revealing Jamie with her hands behind her back and Lauren with hers crossed over her chest.

''What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be getting injections?'' Lauren asked, not in a rude tone but in a worried one.

''Well, Dr. Andrew said Jamie here, stole the injection.'' I said now crossing my arms over my chest like Lauren.

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